Home » Road accidents caused by fog: rescue of the injured, inconvenience to traffic

Road accidents caused by fog: rescue of the injured, inconvenience to traffic

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ZOPPOLA. In the western Friuli plain from the late afternoon of Friday 31 December 2021 there is a thick fog.

Two road accidents that caused minor injuries and inconvenience to traffic, one in Cusano di Zoppola and one in Azzano Decimo.

The first occurred at 5.50 pm near the Cusano roundabout, along the Pontebbana state road. For reasons under investigation, an off-road vehicle and a van collided head-on. Slowed traffic and queues to allow for the cleaning of the road. On site the firefighters of Pordenone.

Another accident occurred at 2 pm in Cinque Strade di Azzano Decimo where a Subaru driven by a young American citizen collided with a Lancia Y driven by a young Pordenone woman. Also in this case there was the intervention of the fire brigade and the intervention of 118.

In both cases the surveys were carried out by the Carabinieri of the Compagnia di Pordenone.

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