Home » School, the knots on recovery: spaces, teachers, vaccines

School, the knots on recovery: spaces, teachers, vaccines

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The Minister of Education, Patrizio Bianchi, has no doubts. In September, the school must return to normal, and in attendance to a very large extent. However, keeping in mind the lessons learned from the use of distance learning and new technologies in general. However, there are many who doubt that the new school year will be present for everyone since the distance will be maintained and the variants unfortunately continue to multiply and spread. For now, the CTS has repeated that the emergency measures will have to be maintained also in September considering that a large part of the children are not yet vaccinated. And there is also a slice of non-immunized teachers and Ata.

Empty chairs

The first “alert” concerns empty chairs (112 thousand only in permanent staff). In the Sostegni bis decree, the number of temporary workers to be stabilized has expanded, but many of these chairs are likely to remain empty, and therefore to be assigned to an alternate. The unions put their hands forward and speak of 200 thousand precarious professorships.


Chicken coop and spacing classes

The second “alarm bell” in view of the recovery is linked to the chicken coop classes. With the health rules currently in force, spacing, finding new spaces, masks, timetables and staggered entrances, schools have reduced the attendance of children in the classroom, also thanks to the Covid staff. The Sostegni bis decree confirms it, especially Ata, at the moment until 31 December.


The return to school in the presence (and in safety) never as this time is linked, in a double thread, to the progress of the virus, and of its variants. The vaccination campaign for students has started a few weeks ago: the government’s goal is to get to the beginning of classes with the administration of at least one dose of serum to young people over 12 years to reach a coverage of 70-80 % that allows herd immunity (the vaccine for younger pupils is still being studied, but the green light will hardly arrive before September).

Be careful even at the university

Finally, on the university front, Minister Cristina Messa aims to “start over in presence but always with great prudence because we cannot risk further lockdowns, so we must be ready and flexible to return but also to reconcile presence with distance”.

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