Home » Spring comes early in the Three Jin Dynasties|Xiuwen Town, Yuci District: Shehuo performance makes the New Year full of singing and dancing_Yellow River News Network

Spring comes early in the Three Jin Dynasties|Xiuwen Town, Yuci District: Shehuo performance makes the New Year full of singing and dancing_Yellow River News Network

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Spring in the Three Jin Dynasties comes early

The Three Jin Dynasties are welcoming the arrival of spring with a burst of cultural and festive activities. One such event took place in Xiuwen Town, Yuci District, where the traditional Shehuo performance brought the New Year to life with singing, dancing, and a full array of activities to celebrate the coming of the New Year.

On February 18, cadres and masses from Xiuwen Town, dressed in colorful costumes, gathered at the courtyard of Xihao Village Committee to perform a spectacular Shehuo performance. The event was filled with the sounds of gongs and drums, colorful flags, and traditional folk dances such as Yangko, land boat, ribbon dances, and big-headed doll performances. The lively and cheerful atmosphere infected every member present and brought a strong New Year flavor to the event.

In addition to the Shehuo performance, a series of activities such as guessing lantern riddles, rolling hoops, jumping squares, and various board and card games were also conducted. The combination of traditional folk culture and modern trendy activities created a “cultural feast” that was overwhelmingly popular and full of enthusiasm.

This event is just one of many organized in Xiuwen Town and the surrounding villages to “Celebrate the New Year.” Each village has been encouraged to organize various cultural activities led by the literary and artistic backbones of the community. These activities not only promote traditional customs but also enrich the spiritual and cultural life of the villagers, adding a strong festive atmosphere to the region.

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Looking ahead, Xiuwen Town plans to continue organizing and carrying out various cultural activities to enrich the villagers’ spare time, prosper rural culture, and empower rural revitalization. With the support of the New Era Civilization Practice Station and literary and artistic backbones, the town is committed to fostering a strong sense of community and traditional heritage.

The Three Jin Dynasties are embracing the coming of spring with open arms and a full slate of cultural activities. The Shehuo performance in Xiuwen Town is just the beginning of what promises to be a vibrant and festive season for the entire region.

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