Home » Student in Feltre who died in a burning car, the Fiat Punto seized

Student in Feltre who died in a burning car, the Fiat Punto seized

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The reasons for the accident that cost the life of the student who attended Nursing Sciences on the university campus are sought


An answer to the tragedy in which Elisa Girolametto, aged only 19, lost her life could come from an examination on the car for the fatal accident in via degli Alpini. With this in mind, the Treviso Public Prosecutor’s Office has seized what remains of the Fiat Punto, which was driven by the girl resident in Spineda di Riese at dawn on Tuesday.

In particular, attention will focus on the LPG fueling system the vehicle was equipped with. In fact, the fire that completely destroyed the car in which the girl was stuck after leaving the road could be due to its malfunction, ending up against a concrete bridge placed to cross the ditch at the side of the roadway.

The incident occurred around 5.15 am on Tuesday. Elisa had left shortly before from her home in Spineda: at 6 o’clock she had to be in Montebelluna at the Umberto I retirement home for her first day of training as part of her university studies. The girl was enrolled in the first year of the university course in Nursing at the University of Padua in the branch of Feltre: a choice gained with awareness as she had been active in the health sector for years, as a volunteer of the Red Cross of Bassano and among other things. facilitated by the Feltre origins of the family that made the Borgo Ruga campus a place close to his memories.

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The dream of becoming a nurse suddenly stopped along via degli Alpini in San Vito di Altivole: a violent crash that knocked the residents out of bed, who immediately rushed to understand what happened and who immediately gave the alarm. Useless any attempt to open the car doors to extract the girl, remained blocked. Then in a very short time the flames went up for which the first responders had to give up: an unquenchable fire with makeshift means, powered by gas or petrol, leaking from the tank.

There was no explosion, but the fire destroyed practically the entire vehicle: at the end of the intervention of the Fiat Punto firefighters in Castelfranco, only the carcass remained. All charred, even Elisa’s document holder.

Now we want to understand what was at the origin of this road spill: on the asphalt there are no signs of braking, hence the hypothesis of illness. But also that of a malfunction of the vehicle that Elisa was unable to control. Another possibility could be that of a sudden maneuver, perhaps after having crossed another means to avoid an accident. A circumstance which, however, should be excluded following the checks made by the Carabinieri of the Castelfranco company who intervened on the spot immediately after the accident: from the first reports it seems that Elisa did not meet anyone on her journey along via degli Alpini, which is plausible in consideration timetable. –

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