Home » SuperSalud investigation concluded that there was no shortage of medicines – news

SuperSalud investigation concluded that there was no shortage of medicines – news

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SuperSalud investigation concluded that there was no shortage of medicines – news

An investigation of the pharmaceutical market, developed by the National Government, established that there have been no shortages of medicines in the country, the Superintendent of Health, Ulahí Beltrán, reported on Monday.

This was stated by the official, confirming that the Ministry of Health investigated one by one the complaints that appeared, as active ingredients, and what was said in this regard was not true.

Beltrán indicated that a public report of the investigation by the Superintendency is close to being issued, regarding the eventual and so-called shortage of medicines.

He added that, in response to the complaints, while medicines are found in neighborhood pharmacies, in some EPS, it is argued that these products are not available. He indicated that this generates information that is antagonistic, different, between different scenarios, of the same medication.

New response system

On the other hand, Beltrán announced the adoption of a new methodology for dealing with protests by the Superintendency.

The Superintendent highlighted that last week, within the debate on the Health Reform project, three articles were approved in Congress for the purpose of guaranteeing immediate responses from the Superintendency, which is a maximum period of 72 hours.

The process of the PQRD, of requests, complaints, claims and denunciations, will be replaced by a more coherent methodology with what Colombians want. And it will not only be 72 hours for this type of care that was approved by law last Thursday in the reform bill; there will be even better options, under a characterization that we have made of vital claims, prioritized claims and simple claims.

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Source: Presidency of the Republic

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