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The beam in one’s own eye

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The beam in one’s own eye

“Every day brings its desire” says a wise popular adage. In this government that saying has become valid. Every day we get up at 6:15 am, as usual we turn on the radio on the 93.9 frequency – the basic RCN frequency that successfully transmits the news of Luis Carlos Vélez and his great team -, and we prepare for a gale of reports product of investigations by journalists who are dedicated to showing Colombia and the world the true “spirit” of the left that governs us. Now, the scandal of the misnamed “Sneyderpolitics” has Petro and his team on the ropes. The sewer rats that accompany him now, in the midst of the crisis, jump ship and walk away from the government that they helped elect and to which they owe themselves. Rubbish…

What we are experiencing is not a surprise to anyone, it cannot be. This is one more scandal, of the many that for years have involved these sinister characters who posed as saints and are the worst demons: wads of bills in bags – remember Petro receiving speech and putting it in paper bags -; backpacks -remember Roy Barreras when he recovered a backpack full of bills that he had left forgotten in the lobby of the Hotel de la Ópera located in front of the San Carlos Palace in the center of Bogotá-; suitcases – like those that they claim were stolen from Laura Sarabia’s apartment and that generated everything we already know about Marelbys Mesa-; the resources that both Nicolás Petro -son of the guerrilla- and Juan Fernando Petro -brother of the guerrilla- recognize that they entered the campaign illegally and that were used for many things; the cost overruns of the La Guajira tank cars; the disgusting presidential campaign in which they muddied their opponents with lies when Mr. Guanumen ordered “the ethical line to be drawn.” All that is what they have done for years, remember the brothers Samuel and Iván Moreno Rojas? Yes, those from the hiring carousel in Bogotá, from the democratic left. They are the same, they are the same, thugs, corrupt, filth…

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We will not tire of supporting Colombian journalism, which at the cost of betting on the truth runs risks that put its life in danger. Thank you for your work, for investigating and getting to the bottom of the facts that today have the government of change without arguments to defend the actions of several of its own. So many years that Petro dedicated himself to asking for the resignation of rulers for much less and now, he looks the other way, acts stupid and, in the process, believes us to be stupid. I can see it when he asked former Minister Abudinen to resign over the issue of the 70 billion pesos. And now? We are talking about buying votes, an election smeared with corruption, the theft of public resources, bribes, that is the change. Filth…

I am very curious to know what the greens and the left are feeling when they see how their commitment to fighting corruption is blurred. They are the corruption! They have come to govern with the clear goal of filling their pockets with the money that should be allocated to social investment. The people most affected by Petro are those who voted for him, the ones they call the people. Petro mistreated former President Duque for possible increases in the price of gasoline and for proposing a tax reform and in less than 2 years of government he splits on both issues. They have always “seen the speck in another’s eye and not the log in their own.” Rubbish…

And we have not forgotten the costs of the million-dollar purchases made for the Casa de Nariño when Petro recently took possession, both in purchases of furniture and appliances and in the monthly market that borders on the implausible. They reached positions of power to abuse the treasury, to appropriate everyone’s money, they came there to commit crimes. Rubbish…

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We demand that the authorities protect both Olmedo López -former director of the UNGRD- and Sneyder Pinilla -former deputy director of the same entity-. What they have to say has this crappy government shaking.

Jorge Eduardo Avila

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