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The goal is a clean Pereira

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The goal is a clean Pereira

It is impossible to deny that the city was abandoned to its fate and that the cleaning work that has been done in recent days will not be seen unless all citizens from all spheres also do their part. It is not that Atesa and its workers did not exist in the last Administration, what happened is that there was a lack of management in the Cleaning Company.

That is why, to continue with one of the first initiatives that Mauricio Salazar had, which was the cleaning of the park, Cuba Park, El Lago, Plaza de Bolívar and La Libertad, they met yesterday on the bridges of 9 and 10 , the mayor, the new manager of the Cleaning Company, the manager, the director of Operations of Atesa and about twenty sweeping workers.

The idea was to wash the bridges with the contribution of water from the firefighters, but two factors prevented the task; the most powerful, the tremendous rain shower that fell on the Center at 2:30 pm, the second, the amount of clothing items that are under it and that would have been soaked after the action. But before these contingencies, Mayor Salazar told the sweeping workers and the unsuspecting passersby who were in the sector: “We need cleaner parks and roads, not to let our guard down and keep the city in optimal conditions. Congratulations to the operators and gratitude for coming to this operation. We invite the people of Pereira to help us keep the city beautiful, if we all commit to this cause it will be much better.”

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The tough sweeping workers did what they could despite the rain. Photo: Natalia Díaz – Atesa.

For his part, the manager of the Pereira Cleaning Company, Carlos Jairo Bedoya, expressed that “Since the previous week, by directive of the mayor, a campaign to beautify the city has been initiated inter-institutionally, the Company, the operator, the Secretariat of Government, National Police and the Fire Department. We know that Avenida del Ferrocarril is one of the entrances to the city and we want to have a very clean, very beautiful face of Pereira.”

The manager said that all people are also asked to have a lot of civic culture and to collaborate, because they know the collection and sweeping schedules, so that the city looks cleaner. As for the clothing sellers, the mission was left to the Government Secretariat to give order to the place.

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