Home » The Jefferson Pérez track will receive the last surface layer in two to three weeks

The Jefferson Pérez track will receive the last surface layer in two to three weeks

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The Jefferson Pérez track will receive the last surface layer in two to three weeks

Supervisor Iván Agama supervised the work in the athletic ring of the Jefferson Pérez track. Photo El Mercurio/Bolivar Sinchi

After placing the first five-centimeter surface layer in the athletic ring of the Jefferson Pérez track, the next step is the topographical survey of levels and slopes.

With this process, it is expected to identify the cracks, cavities or depressions to be corrected prior to the placement of the second and final three-centimeter surface layer on which the synthetic material will be glued.

The rain could not have been more opportune for inspector Iván Agama to observe yesterday some corrections that must be made.

There are parts that are above the level (of five centimeters) or in the joints of one strip with the other of asphalt it can be seen that there are holes, with which there is accumulation of water.

These imperfections will be marked with the supervision of the professional to polish or mill them in order to achieve a single level along the athletic ring. Agama hopes that this week the respective corrections will be made and the work will continue, although the weather is a preponderant factor.

Second layer of tread

The inspector clarifies that the second layer of asphalt (three centimeters) cannot be placed if the work on the lanes and half moons (for jumps and launches) with their respective levels is not completed. “I think it could take two to three weeks.”

If everything goes according to schedule, the athletic ring will be ready by the end of July. According to Agama, after the installation of the first surface layer (May 21-22), “there will be at least 60 days to complete the work.”

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«These are divided into 15 days for the installation of the first and second layer; 15 to 20 days to ‘rest’ the asphalt, so that it exudes and all the oils due to compaction come out; and 21 to 30 days for the installation of the synthetic”.

Edwin Loyola, president of the Azuay Sports Federation, points out that the work is progressing taking into account each of the technical recommendations drafted by Agama.

Said report was also sent to the representatives of the Ecuadorian Olympic Committee, the Ecuadorian Athletics Federation, the Ministry of Sport, the Italian company Mondo, and the company in charge of paving.

Loyola assures that time was given to send the report to all those involved in order to resolve any concerns that may arise from it.

“We don’t want tomorrow to say: see, they have done the civil works wrong when they are being informed of each step that is being carried out.”

Self-management will cover the cost of the second phase

The athletes will be able to use the athletic ring while the Azuay Sports Federation manages resources in order to acquire and import the synthetic material for the jumping and throwing areas, which includes phase two of the work. The first phase has the economic backing of the Ortiz Group.

Loyola says that they are waiting for the report from the Ministry of Sport to seek financing through the Tax Incentive Project. He anticipates that there are a couple of business groups in the city that are interested in investing in exchange for obtaining the additional 150% deductibility in the calculation of the income tax base.

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Agama explains some changes that will be seen on the court of the Jefferson Pérez track. In front of the stands sector “we are going to have two long and triple jump lanes with four (sand) pits.”

On the other side, the “pole vault lane with two concrete pits” will be relocated. In addition, there will be two discus and hammer throwing circles; three shot put circles; and two javelin throwing areas.

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