Home » The League votes no to the green pass in the Commission, it is a conflict in the majority

The League votes no to the green pass in the Commission, it is a conflict in the majority

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The Social Affairs Committee of the Chamber rejected all the amendments calling for the abolition of article 3 of the decree law under discussion which introduces the obligation of the green pass. ‘Italy. «Vote in the Health Commission on the suppression of the green pass in its entirety. I recalled the resolutions of the Council of Europe and the EU Commission. Nothing. Voted in favor of the suppression of the Lega, FdI and former M5S green pass. All the others are against ”, reconstructs what Claudio Borghi, a deputy of the Northern League, has done, in the Social Affairs Committee of the Chamber today present at the proceedings to replace an absent member of the Northern League.

Read: League out of majority, clarify

The episode ignites controversy in the majority. “I condemn the choice of the League which, with today’s votes in the House Commission against the Green Pass, decided, just today, to make a choice that places it outside the majority. So I ask for a political clarification on this point. Because the League today actually stands against and out of the majority ». It is the attack of the secretary of the Democratic Party Enrico Letta, launched on the sidelines of his speech at the National Unity Day. What happened “shows an intolerable situation”. For Letta “there is a need for responsibility on the part of all political forces”.


Il Carroccio: he is out of this world, luckily there is Draghi

«Letta who lives out of this world! Asking for free salivary swabs for Italians is common sense, why say no? Asking guarantees for workers and entrepreneurs, asking for school for all students, defending workers and workers, policemen and teachers, is common sense. Of the 900 improvement amendments presented by the League, perhaps 2. PD and 5Stelle will think as if Conte were still in the government but, fortunately, now there is Draghi ». Thus sources of the League.

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Confidence hypothesis appears on the decree

On the government table, according to what is learned from parliamentary sources, the possibility of raising the question of trust on the green pass decree has found a place. The option would have emerged following the split created in the majority in the Social Affairs committee, after the opposition expressed by the League to the obligation to green pass.

Salvini: if the State imposes a green pass, it guarantees free tampons

“If the state imposes the green pass to work, travel, study, play sports, volunteer and culture, it must also guarantee swabs, quick and free, for everyone. They are certified, they work, they are cheap and can be used by everyone », Matteo Salvini makes himself heard. “There are millions of Italians who cannot spend hundreds of euros more every week, at an already economically difficult time. Let’s see if Pd and 5S will vote in favor in the Commission. It’s not about being no vax or no green pass – I have both – it’s about helping millions of Italians in difficulty. Not everyone finds 24,000 euros in the dog’s bed ».

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