Home » The need to avoid the politics of anarchy

The need to avoid the politics of anarchy

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The need to avoid the politics of anarchy

Arrest and release of Tehreek-e-Insaf Chairman Imran Khan, PDM announced a protest demonstration in spite of Article 144 in its own government. A long series of acts and reactions with violence and the situation created by the extreme political temperature are enough to establish the impression that any institution in the country at that time is impartial and equal and complete in its duties. is not limited to the obligation to pay and even if it is so, it is under the influence of propaganda and such contradictions that there is a situation of uncertainty which is affecting especially the public in the form of despair and hopelessness. Unfortunately, the army Just as there is no hesitation in raising doubts about the prestigious institution, it is not even bothered to think and is not ready to learn any lesson from the observations that in countries where the army institution has such What kind of situation is there in these countries today? The writing is on the wall. It should be read. In this whole process, the people and the people who think about the country and the nation cannot be seen. As the constitution and law are, even in the performance of official duties, now it seems that political likes and dislikes and interests are prevailing. This whole situation is very disturbing and dangerous for the country and the nation. The attitude adopted at the time of the arrest of the leader of Tehreek-e-Insaaf may not be right, but the kind of vandalism and damage to national property that was done on his arrest was also a completely inappropriate act. For the workers of a political party and RAS, a peaceful demonstration of public power on such an occasion is only appropriate for involvement in encirclement, arson and painful factors, or the presence of such elements in their ranks and their actions of Tehreek-e-Insaaf. It was natural for both situations to cause negative reactions. No one has shown such a reaction to the arrest of a leader of the country. Cannot be absolved from responsibility. Attention should be paid to the responsible role in this situation. Here, where we should expect a responsible role from the PTI leadership, the PDM leadership should also consider the situation with a cold heart instead of emotions and despite all kinds of reservations. It should be expected to work with patience. When the tongues started to fly from both sides and the institution started giving the impression of being one-sided, then who should expect to correct the situation? Surprisingly, the government coalition is now in its own period. The government has announced to come to the streets. Despite all the reservations, an act like besieging the Supreme Court is extremist and a tactic to increase pressure and influence justice. When politics and justice enter the closed street together, the middle way Where did any ray of hope for the withdrawal and resolution of the crisis appear? There is no need to reiterate that the country is already in dire straits, terrorism, economic depression, inflation and the resulting unrest. In the circumstances, no country in the world can afford political anxiety, nor can politicians be expected to push the country into a crisis with their own hands despite the full understanding of these circumstances. And there is no expectation of fruitful negotiations, despite this, there is a need to find a middle way and act moderately. If there is peace in the country, then the politicians will be able to get a seat. Instead of favoritism and antagonism, the path of reconciliation and moderation should be adopted.

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