Home » The purchase of summer grains in the main producing areas has been carried out successively, and the minimum purchase price has been raised in an all-round way

The purchase of summer grains in the main producing areas has been carried out successively, and the minimum purchase price has been raised in an all-round way

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The purchase of summer grain in the main producing areas has been carried out one after another, and the minimum purchase price has been raised in an all-round way – increasing production and income, and growing grain

Right now, the country’s wheat harvest is in the second half, and good news from all over the country is frequent: in Sheyang, Jiangsu, more than 100,000 mu of high-standard farmland is harvested and sold at the same time, with high yield and increased income; in Dongying, Shandong, new varieties in saline-alkali land are salt-tolerant Alkali wheat was harvested and tested, and the yield per mu increased by more than 100 kilograms; in Zhongxiang, Hubei, the cooperative directly helped farmers dry the newly harvested wheat to reduce post-production losses… The latest data shows that the current national wheat harvest has exceeded 70%, and the main producing area is summer grain. Acquisitions continue to unfold.

Judging from the actual production and harvest in various places, the wheat grains are full, the grain weight is generally higher than that of normal years, and the quality is the best year in recent years. While raising the minimum purchase price of wheat in an all-round way, the state encourages “higher prices for better grains”. Good grain sells at a good price, and farmers have more money and more energy to grow grain.

High-standard farmland in many places welcomes the first harvest season

Recently, in the high-standard farmland demonstration area of ​​Lianhe Village, Qianqiu Town, Sheyang County, Jiangsu Province, 1,500 mu of wheat from Tang Guangyu, a major grain grower, is being harvested. “Look, the quality of this wheat is good, and the price is the same.” Tang Guangyu introduced that the new wheat had just been harvested, and the trucks at the grain purchase point were already waiting to be loaded.

Talking about this wheat field, Tang Guangyu calculated the account: the average yield per mu this year is about 1,400 catties, about 200 catties higher than in previous years. The quality of wheat is good, and the proportion of first-class wheat is high. Coupled with the good market this year, the price of wheat is about 0.3 yuan higher than the previous year, which is a good increase. “Last year, this field was just renovated. Compared with the previous farmland, the water supply is more stable, the disaster resistance is stronger, and the planting and harvesting are more convenient. This has created good conditions for us to increase production and income.” Tang Guangyu said.

As a major grain-producing county in the country, Sheyang County has vigorously promoted the construction of high-standard farmland since last year. According to Qiao Ganqun, director of the Agriculture and Rural Affairs Bureau of Sheyang County, Sheyang will implement national high-standard farmland construction of 132,000 mu in 2021, involving 7 towns and more than 30 villages. “This year, we will further promote the construction of national high-standard farmland projects, with an annual grain production capacity of 1,000 kilograms per mu as the core construction standard. The 2022 126,700-mu national high-standard farmland project construction will be completed by the end of the year, and the national high-standard farmland construction project will be in The county should be fully covered in the construction area, allowing farmers to grow grain on more fertile fields and increase their income.” Qiao Ganqun said.

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During this year’s wheat harvest, many high-standard farmlands ushered in the first harvest season. In Xiping County, Zhumadian City, Henan Province, the wheat harvest in the 31,000-mu high-standard farmland reconstruction project area is coming to an end. Wu Zhenqi, deputy director of Xiping County Agriculture and Rural Affairs Bureau, introduced that this is the first harvest season after Xiping County has promoted farmland transformation. Judging from the current situation, this year’s output has increased by about 20% compared with previous years. “Because of poor irrigation conditions in the past, grain production depends on the harvest, and the yield per mu rarely exceeds 1,000 catties. This year, the yield per mu of wheat in our high-standard farmland has increased significantly.”

“In the process of building high-standard farmland, we pay attention to improving the irrigation model, ensuring that the fields can be irrigated and drained from waterlogging, and promote the realization of guaranteed harvests during droughts and floods.” Wu Zhenqi said, “At the same time, relying on new technologies to build a large digital platform for smart agriculture, the weather station and the Information such as the pest monitoring and reporting station is aggregated to the CNC center platform for professional analysis to guide farmers to plant crops in a timely manner to ensure high and stable yields.”

The State Bureau of Grain and Material Reserves released information last month that the purchase of summer grains this year will still be dominated by market-based purchases. At the same time, the state continues to implement the minimum purchase price policy for wheat and rice in some major producing areas. The minimum purchase price of japonica rice has been comprehensively increased compared with last year, at 115 yuan, 124 yuan, 129 yuan and 131 yuan per 50 kilograms respectively.

China Grain Reserves Group has recently launched wheat rotation purchases in Hubei, Jiangsu, Henan, Shandong, Anhui and other provinces. The average purchase price is 3000-3100 yuan / ton, which is higher than the minimum purchase price. China Grain Reserves said that it will promote farmers to increase their incomes in years of high yields, and actively play the leading role of reserve rotation purchases on market-oriented purchases.

High-yielding new varieties emerge on saline-alkali land

The average yield per mu is 460.98 kg! Hearing the result, Hu Changhai showed a smile on his tense face.

In Wuzhuang Village, Kenli Street, Kenli District, Dongying City, Shandong Province, Hu Changhai’s 8 acres of wheat fields have just passed an assessment. Experts selected points, measured salinity, measured the number of ears per mu, and the number of grains per ear… After several procedures, the yield measurement team announced that: in the case of moderate to severe salinity of 3.75‰ on average, and no water was poured, “economical” The average yield per mu of wheat 60″ is 460.98 kg.

“Saline-alkali land has always been called a barren land. It is difficult to grow wheat on this land. In addition to the dry weather before, I never thought that this crop of wheat would have a bumper harvest.” Hu Changhai, 59, said, “According to past experience , As long as the land cannot be irrigated due to drought, the average yield of wheat per mu will be more than 300 kilograms. Based on this year’s output, 8 mu of wheat can be sold for more than 2,000 yuan. When the next wheat crop is planted, I plan to plant all of my own land. Get this breed.”

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This year’s Central No. 1 document proposes to classify and transform saline-alkali land, and promote the transformation from the main control of crops adapted to saline-alkali land to the selection of more saline-alkali-tolerant plants to adapt to saline-alkali land. From suitable soil to planting suitable soil, more and more new varieties of saline-alkali-tolerant varieties have emerged, and more farmers have tasted the sweetness of growing grains on saline-alkali land.

Cao Xinyou, a researcher at the Crop Institute of the Shandong Academy of Agricultural Sciences, said that the annual wheat planting area in Shandong is about 60 million mu, of which the dryland wheat area that lacks irrigation conditions is more than 10 million mu, and there are nearly 9 million mu of saline-alkali land. “In response to this situation, we have bred a new wheat variety ‘Jimai 60’ that is resistant to drought and saline alkali. In the group production test, its yield increased by more than 7% compared with the control variety. In the next step, we will accelerate the cultivation of new wheat varieties with more salt and alkali tolerance and higher yield, and simultaneously accelerate the demonstration and promotion of new varieties.”

In Cangzhou City, Hebei Province, 1.3 million mu of salt-tolerant wheat has been harvested in succession recently. “I planted ‘Cangmai 6005’ on this land, which is resistant to both drought and salinity.” Talking about this year’s wheat harvest, “old-fashioned” Yu Lianxing is very confident, “According to the current situation, the average per mu is 400 kilograms. The above is stable.”

Liu Xiaojing, a researcher at the Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, said that since 2011, the scientific research team of the Chinese Academy of Sciences has cultivated new varieties of salt-alkali-tolerant and drought-resistant wheat such as “Xiaoyan 60” and “Xiaoyan 155”. Up to now, more than 4 million mu have been demonstrated and promoted in the low- and medium-yield fields in the low plains around the Bohai Sea. “Judging from the planting situation in recent years, our new series of salt-alkali-tolerant and drought-resistant wheat varieties have shown good yield-increasing characteristics.”

Improving drying capacity helps farmers reduce losses and increase income

After increasing production, how to further increase income? Impairment is a key part.

“After the wheat is harvested, it must be aired and dried in time, otherwise mildew will easily occur, and grain production and farmers’ income will be damaged.” said Shi Mingxiang, head of the Dongxing Shi Dongping Grain Drying Center in Sheyang County, “This year, Sheyang strongly supported New agricultural business entities such as agricultural machinery cooperatives provide wheat drying services. We began to purchase wheat drying on June 1, and the daily drying capacity will remain at about 100 tons, which is expected to end around the 25th of this month.”

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Focusing on improving post-production drying conditions and improving drying capacity, a series of policy measures have been launched one after another: the central government has arranged subsidies for the purchase and application of agricultural machinery by 11% over last year, and further increased the support for intelligent and efficient agricultural machinery, grain drying and complete sets of facilities and equipment. Support; the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs has recently clearly requested to coordinate the increase in the supply of wheat drying sites and drying facilities, and strive to achieve the return of grains; the National Development and Reform Commission, the National Grain and Materials Reserve Bureau and other 6 departments issued documents, proposing to play the role of grain post-production service centers, Provide timely cleaning and drying, grain storage, information and technology services.

In Hubei, the wheat harvest has basically ended, the purchase of summer grain has been accelerated, and drying equipment in various places is running at full speed. “Now that farmers have harvested their wheat, they don’t have to look for a place to dry it like in previous years.” Ma Lianfang, head of the planting cooperative in Wanglong Lane, Shipai Town, Zhongxiang City, Hubei Province, introduced that the cooperative has set up acquisitions in every village in Shipai Town. There are more than 100 points in total. Villagers can directly transport the wheat containing moisture to the nearest place for sale, and the grain drying and drying are done by the cooperative, which can help farmers significantly reduce post-production losses and increase their income.

This year, the wheat planting area in Zhongxiang City is 860,000 mu, and a total of 196 dryers have been installed in the city. Ma Lianfang said: “This year is a bumper harvest year, and the grains purchased so far have increased significantly compared with the same period of previous years. In order to fully meet the demand of villagers for grain sales, our drying equipment has hardly stopped recently, and it is expected that 15,000 tons of wheat can be purchased and dried this season. , more than 5,000 tons more than last year.”

“Improving grain drying capacity is a good way to avoid the ‘Cangmen Disaster’.” The relevant person in charge of the Hubei Provincial Grain Bureau introduced that during the autumn harvest in the past two years, Hubei suffered from widespread and continuous rainfall, and the province’s grain post-production service center dried Dry grains exceeded 10 billion catties, reducing potential losses by 2.1 billion catties and helping farmers increase their income by 2.4 billion yuan. In order to speed up the improvement of the province’s grain drying capacity, the Provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, the Grain Bureau and other departments issued a special document, clearly focusing on improving the drying and processing capacity of rice and wheat, and building a batch of grain drying and processing centers (points) to help farmers reduce losses Increase income and ensure food security. (Reporter Qiu Haifeng)

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