Home » The United States assured that the Ukrainian military is aware that they are spending ammunition “at a worrying rate”

The United States assured that the Ukrainian military is aware that they are spending ammunition “at a worrying rate”

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The United States assured that the Ukrainian military is aware that they are spending ammunition “at a worrying rate”

Rows of incomplete projectiles await the next step of production (Europa Press/Contact/Aimee Dilger)

The White House National Security spokesman, John Kirby, has assured that the Ukrainian military is aware that they are spending ammunition “at a worrying rate” and that they are making “tough decisions” about the projectiles they are going to use at all times given the shortages they may suffer if the US Congress does not approve new military aid funds for Kyiv.

“They are using mainly medium and long-range (missiles) for air defense at a rate that worries them. And the Russians realize it. I mean, part of the tactic here is to fire into the sky, knowing that the Ukrainians are going to have to fire back, and that there is no constant or reliable flow of support for air defense capabilities,” Kirby said during a news conference.

“We know for a fact that some of your commanders on the battlefield are making difficult decisions about how much ammunition they are going to fire on a given day at a given target and how much they have to save. (…) So they are in a difficult position,” added the spokesperson.

In this sense, it has confirmed that, on the battlefield, Ukrainian troops are experiencing a loss of certain types of ammunition in winter months in which, despite the lack of progress on both sides, the fighting has not stopped.

New military aid funds for Ukraine are blocked in the United States Congress by the Republican Party’s refusal to vote in favor until they are accompanied by a budget increase for border security that they consider sufficient.

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The Special Operations Forces of the Ukrainian Army carried out Operation ‘Citadel’ on Monday night, thanks to which they managed to destroy a platform over the Black Sea through which Russia implemented the operation of its non-military aerial vehicles investigation and attack crews.

According to the Ukrainian authorities, Russia had taken this maritime platform near Crimea months ago as part of the invasion unleashed at the end of February 2022. There, Russian troops had installed a series of antennas that amplified the signal to improve the operation of their drones.

The objective of this Russian installation was to amplify the range of action of the Mohajer-6 drone, made in Iran and used for terrain reconnaissance, in order to later make more effective use of the Shahed kamikaze drones, also made in Iran and used by Russia in many of its attacks, according to Ukraine.

In addition, the Russian side had also installed a series of radars on the platform to detect objects in the sea, “from motorboats to ships”, and thus be able to “control the situation in the northwestern part of the Black Sea,” it appears from a statement from the Ukrainian Special Forces on Telegram.

“After careful planning and preparation, the group of the 73rd Marine Center of the Ukrainian Special Operations Forces began the task of destroying enemy installations” in an area of ​​“constant patrolling by Russian aviation and navy,” the details have detailed. Ukrainian military authorities.

Thus, the operation has been carried out during the night hours, when Ukrainian vessels have approached the maritime platform to carry out a raid and seize “important enemy equipment”, and later place explosive charges on the main antennas. radar.

“This successfully carried out special operation guarantees safer movement of ships and limits the enemy’s capabilities in the northwestern part of the Black Sea,” the Special Operations Forces of the Ukrainian Army have concluded.

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(With information from EP)

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