Home » The Venezuelan opposition launches Edmundo González Urrutia as a presidential candidate after negotiating with María Corina Machado

The Venezuelan opposition launches Edmundo González Urrutia as a presidential candidate after negotiating with María Corina Machado

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PUD: Edmundo González Urrutia will be the standard bearer of the Unit unanimously

After a little more than four hours of meeting, the Democratic Unitary Platform (PUD), announced this Friday, April 19, that after the meeting between the opposition leader, María Corina Machado, and the governor of the state of Zulia, Manuel Rosales, agreed that the Unity candidate for the presidential elections on July 28 is Edmundo González Urrutia.

The announcement was made by the general secretary of the PUD, Omar Barboza, after the meeting with all parties held this Friday, April 19, at the Citizen Meeting headquarters.

«I want to give very good news to the people of Venezuela. The Democratic Unitary Platform has just unanimously approved the candidacy of Ambassador Edmundo González Urrutia, as the unity candidate, supported by all the actors of the Democratic Unitary Platform. After a respectful debate, where leaders such as María Corina Machado, Manuel Rosales and all of us participated, we reached a conclusion that is a historic decision for Venezuela’s democracy. “We have chosen the next president of the Republic who will be elected on July 28.” Barboza expressed.

In his statements Barboza highlighted that “we do not have to give any prior communication to the National Electoral Council, Edmundo González Urrutia was registered as a provisional candidate and today he becomes a definitive candidate, he is already registered and his registration is accepted.”

The chief negotiator of the Unitary Platform, Gerardo Blyde, appeared at the meeting at night, since, as he indicated, he was called to ask his opinion.

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In this sense, the Un Nuevo Tiempo card adheres to that of Unidad, where González Urrutia is registered, who is in the country clearing up doubts about the rumors that he was outside the country.

The post The Venezuelan opposition launches Edmundo González Urrutia as a presidential candidate after negotiating with María Corina Machado appeared first on EntornoInteligente – Breaking News from around the world.

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