Home » They grant promotions to Generals and Admirals of the FANB

They grant promotions to Generals and Admirals of the FANB

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They grant promotions to Generals and Admirals of the FANB

The President of the Republic and Commander-in-Chief of the Bolivarian National Armed Forces (FANB), Nicolas Maduro Morosled the act of promotion of Generals, Admirals and military personnel who ranked first in the order of merit of each promotion and category, during a solemn ceremony from the National Pantheon of Caracas, this Tuesday, July 4.

At the ceremony, 251 military personnel from the Bolivarian Army, Bolivarian Navy, Bolivarian Military Aviation and Bolivarian National Guard were promoted (78 Division Generals and Admirals, 89 Brigadier Generals and Rear Admirals, in addition to 81 Officers and Vice Admirals), who occupied the first place in the order of merit of each promotion and category.

Likewise, when beginning the delivery of recognition to those who stood out as the first of their promotions, the Commander-in-Chief of the FANB remembered Paulino Millán Sabino, who was promoted post-mortem to Brigadier General, after giving up his life fulfilling his duty. .

In this way, Maduro asked for respect for the honor, morality and spirit of the martyred pilot, “honor and glory forever to our pilot, to the Bolivarian Military Aviation and to the FANB. Enough of the dirt and fascist hatred of the country sellers!”he exclaimed.

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By: The Truth of Monagas – The best News from Monagas and Venezuela, the latest events today in Monagas, reporting in a way – Authentic and impartial!

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