Home » Treviso, haywire traffic and accidents due to a trail of diesel on the asphalt

Treviso, haywire traffic and accidents due to a trail of diesel on the asphalt

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Treviso, haywire traffic and accidents due to a trail of diesel on the asphalt

The street cleaning and the truck with the tank uprooted

It happened on Monday afternoon at the Castellana roundabout, at the Stiore: rear-end collisions occurred and a scooter flew to the ground

TREVISO. Traffic blocked, rear-end collisions, a scooter flew to the ground. All due to a large loss of diesel fuel, probably from the tank of a truck passing through the Castellana roundabout, at the Stiore in Treviso. Everything happened around 2.30pm on Monday.

To give the alarm some motorists who have lost control of the car, which was skidding once in the roundabout. The Treviso firefighters and four local police patrols had to intervene to block and divert traffic.

Treviso, diesel fuel aspirated in the street: here is the intervention

Now the situation is returning to normal with the asphalt cleaning operations.

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