Home » Wang Juntao: Xi Jinping blocks the way for the CCP’s survival and Li Qiang goes through the “Two Sessions” | Xi Jinping | The Epoch Times

Wang Juntao: Xi Jinping blocks the way for the CCP’s survival and Li Qiang goes through the “Two Sessions” | Xi Jinping | The Epoch Times

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Wang Juntao: Xi Jinping blocks the way for the CCP’s survival and Li Qiang goes through the “Two Sessions” | Xi Jinping | The Epoch Times

Chinese Premier Li Qiang’s Performance Questioned as Two Sessions Approach

As the Communist Party of China prepares for the upcoming Two Sessions, all eyes are on Chinese Premier Li Qiang amid official purges and an economic crisis. Li Qiang, who took office in March last year, has been under scrutiny for his leadership, with experts questioning his actual power within the party.

The Epoch Times reporters Ning Haizhong and Luo Ya recently interviewed and reported on the challenges facing Li Qiang as he navigates through the current political and economic climate. With President Xi Jinping exerting significant influence over key decisions, many believe that Li Qiang’s role in the upcoming Two Sessions is merely a formality, overshadowed by Xi Jinping’s agenda.

Experts like Wang Juntao, chairman of the National Committee of the China Democratic Party, have expressed concerns about the direction of China’s economy under Xi Jinping’s leadership. Despite official claims of economic growth, international experts remain skeptical of the data provided by the Chinese government.

Wang Juntao also highlighted the growing dissatisfaction among the Chinese people towards Xi Jinping, citing the recent turmoil in the stock market and the lack of confidence in the economy. Many believe that Xi Jinping’s policies have been detrimental to China’s economic future, leading to a sense of despair among the population.

Furthermore, the power dynamics within the Communist Party have come into question, with recent personnel changes in Li Qiang’s cabinet raising eyebrows. The sudden dismissal of State Councilors Qin Gang and Li Shangfu has been seen as a reflection of Xi Jinping’s grip on power, leaving Li Qiang with limited authority in key decisions.

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As China’s public sentiment shifts towards frustration and disillusionment with the current leadership, experts like Wang Juntao warn of a looming crisis within the party. With concerns about Xi Jinping’s authoritarian tendencies and the lack of accountability within the government, the path to survival for the Communist Party appears to be increasingly blocked.

As the Two Sessions approach, all eyes will be on Li Qiang and his ability to navigate through the challenges ahead. Will he be able to assert himself in the face of Xi Jinping’s dominance, or will he be overshadowed by the larger political forces at play? Only time will tell as China grapples with economic uncertainty and growing discontent among its population.

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