Home » Wang Weizhong presided over a provincial government executive meeting to study various work on flood prevention and relief, post-disaster recovery and the May Day holiday to ensure that the people have a happy, peaceful and safe holiday_Southern Network

Wang Weizhong presided over a provincial government executive meeting to study various work on flood prevention and relief, post-disaster recovery and the May Day holiday to ensure that the people have a happy, peaceful and safe holiday_Southern Network

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Governor Wang Weizhong presides over meeting to discuss flood prevention and relief efforts

On April 29, Governor Wang Weizhong chaired an executive meeting of the provincial government to address the ongoing flood prevention and relief work in the region. The meeting aimed to implement the directives of General Secretary Xi Jinping and the provincial party committee to tackle various tasks related to flood prevention, relief, and post-disaster recovery.

During the meeting, a report was presented on the current state of flood prevention, relief, and post-disaster recovery efforts in the province. It was noted that the region has been facing challenges due to heavy rainfall, floods, and other meteorological disasters. The meeting emphasized the importance of prioritizing the safety and well-being of the people, and called for a proactive approach to disaster prevention and relief efforts.

The meeting highlighted the need for detailed implementation of flood prevention measures, including enhanced monitoring and forecasting of rain and water conditions. It also stressed the importance of early warning mechanisms and the timely evacuation of people from high-risk areas. Additionally, the meeting discussed the importance of post-disaster recovery and reconstruction efforts, including the repair of infrastructure and the resumption of normal life and production activities.

With the upcoming May Day holiday, the meeting acknowledged the potential challenges posed by frequent precipitation and increased travel and tourism activities. It called for strict adherence to safety measures, particularly in road traffic and tourist attractions, to prevent accidents. The meeting also emphasized the importance of enriching the cultural tourism market and promoting consumer goods trading to ensure a happy and safe holiday for residents.

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Furthermore, the meeting reviewed measures to promote the development of artificial intelligence in various industries in the province. It underscored the importance of leveraging Guangdong’s industrial foundation and data resources to accelerate the adoption of artificial intelligence in key sectors such as manufacturing and transportation.

In addition, the meeting discussed the draft regulations on the Forest Chief System in Guangdong Province, emphasizing the need to prioritize ecological protection and sustainable forestry practices. The meeting also addressed other issues such as the management of refined oil circulation and public welfare donations from overseas Chinese.

Overall, the meeting underscored the importance of proactive measures in addressing flood prevention, relief, and post-disaster recovery efforts, as well as promoting innovation and sustainability in various sectors to ensure the region’s continued development and safety.

By Southern+ reporter Li Fengxiang, Correspondent’s letter

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