Home » Wang Weizhong presided over the provincial government party group meeting to conscientiously study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important speech at the National Two Sessions and the spirit of the National Two Sessions Guangdong Provincial People’s Government Portal

Wang Weizhong presided over the provincial government party group meeting to conscientiously study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important speech at the National Two Sessions and the spirit of the National Two Sessions Guangdong Provincial People’s Government Portal

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Wang Weizhong, the Secretary of the Provincial Government Party Committee and Governor, recently presided over a provincial government party group meeting to discuss and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important speech at the National Two Sessions. The meeting also focused on the spirit of Premier Li Qiang’s speech during the deliberations of the Guangdong delegation at the National Two Sessions.

During the meeting, the importance of understanding and implementing the key points from General Secretary Xi Jinping’s speeches was emphasized. These included discussions on building a socialist modern country, promoting high-quality development, deepening reform and opening up, enhancing regional development, and strengthening ecological protection.

The meeting also highlighted the need to align with the State Council’s “Government Work Report” and the specific deployment of the provincial party committee’s work arrangements. The attendees were urged to strengthen their confidence, consolidate economic recovery, and achieve the goals of high-quality development in the province.

Additionally, the meeting discussed the importance of educating and guiding young cadres to strengthen their theoretical knowledge, adhere to Xi Jinping Thought, and serve the central work of the Provincial Party Committee and Government. The young cadres were encouraged to follow the party’s mass line, demonstrate integrity, and strive to contribute to the development of the province.

Overall, the meeting was seen as a crucial step in aligning the provincial government’s priorities with the national directives and ensuring the province’s development in line with the goals of the 14th Five-Year Plan. Wang Weizhong’s leadership in conveying and implementing the spirit of the National Two Sessions was praised, setting a positive tone for future initiatives in Guangdong Province.

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