Home » With a total investment of 4.2 billion yuan, the eighth phase of the “three batches” project in Wolong District, Nanyang City started intensively- Chinadaily.com

With a total investment of 4.2 billion yuan, the eighth phase of the “three batches” project in Wolong District, Nanyang City started intensively- Chinadaily.com

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With a total investment of 4.2 billion yuan, the eighth phase of the “three batches” project in Wolong District, Nanyang City started intensively- Chinadaily.com

On May 8, the commencement ceremony of the eighth phase of the “three batches” project in Wolong District, Nanyang City was grandly held at the site of Henan Jinniu New Materials Co., Ltd.’s annual production of 50,000 tons of food packaging materials. Du Yong, Deputy Secretary of the Wolong District Committee and District Mayor, attended and announced the start of construction.

Guo Zhanyu, member of the Standing Committee of the Wolong District Committee and secretary of the Political and Legal Committee, pointed out in his speech that he hopes that the project party will seize development opportunities, strengthen confidence in development, base on first-class standards, first-class construction, carefully organize and scientifically dispatch, work hard, set off a climax, and strive for the project Early completion, early production, early effect. Departments at all levels should firmly establish the concept of “project is king”, carry forward the spirit of “four dares”, practice the “four limits”, unswervingly attract large businessmen, unswervingly grasp large projects, and constantly promote new highlights of project construction ;We must always adhere to the two “unwavering” to create a strong atmosphere of pro-business, loving business, benefiting business, securing business, and wealthy businessmen, attracting projects with better services, retaining projects in a better environment, and promoting projects with more practical measures. The new results of the project construction will accelerate the sprint to “double over half”, strive to achieve “full year red”, and make new and greater contributions to “building a strong sub-center and crouching into a peak”.

It is understood that 19 projects have been started this time, with a total investment of 4.2 billion yuan. The projects cover various fields and aspects such as advanced manufacturing, modern agriculture, people’s livelihood, and infrastructure construction. The investment scale is large, the market prospect is good, and the driving ability is strong. It will definitely play an important leading role in the high-quality development of the whole region and inject strong impetus into the construction of modern Wolong. (Photo/Liang Ying)

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[Responsible editor: Cai Donghai]

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