Home » Women’s option unchanged for 6-8 months between the hypotheses to broaden the audience. The roofing knot

Women’s option unchanged for 6-8 months between the hypotheses to broaden the audience. The roofing knot

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Women’s option unchanged for 6-8 months between the hypotheses to broaden the audience.  The roofing knot

It seemed made with the text that arrived in the House. And instead there is no peace for Option woman. Even the very restrictive wording put in black and white in the maneuver could undergo new changes. The clause linking early retirement to the number of children continues to be debated and the government is working to find a solution.

Word to the parliament

The game will be played entirely in Parliament, where the maneuver with its almost 36 billion resources and a limited treasury of 400 million for changes begins its process: an obstacle course with many nodes still open, starting with the superbonus; but also a race against time, with arrival in the Chamber in the Chamber already set for November 20th.

What does the latest version provide

The latest version of the Women’s Option, subject of various rewrites by the government in recent days, appears very restrictive compared to the original version, limiting the possibility of retiring early to only three categories of female workers (caregiver, at least 75% disabled and fired or employees of companies in crisis); the age is set at 60, a threshold that can decrease by one year for each child up to a maximum of two.

The clause under the lens and the node covers

What is worrying is precisely this last clause, which risks penalizing women who do not have children. The subject was at the center of informal meetings in the Chamber between the Minister of Labor Marina Calderone and some members of the majority. The road appears narrow, also linked to the issue of coverage, but mediation is being sought and among the hypotheses there would be that of eliminating the passage, however referring the entire issue to the overall pension reform to be carried out next year.

Hypothesis: go back to the old female option but for a few months

Return to the previous version of the Women’s Option, but with a temporary extension. It is one of the hypotheses, according to what is learned from sources of the majority, being studied to modify the provision contained in the manoeuvre. The mini-extension of the current rule would save resources (extending the old women’s option costs around 110 million), with the idea, in 6-8 months, of arriving at a more comprehensive reform of the pension system.

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