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Xi Jinping Calls for Greater Efforts in Women and Children’s Work to Promote High-Quality Development

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Xi Jinping Issues Important Instructions on Women and Children’s Work, Emphasizing Greater Efforts for High-Quality Development

Beijing, September 28 (Xinhua) – Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, President of the State, and Chairman of the Central Military Commission, has recently issued important instructions on the work of women and children. The instructions highlight the significance of the cause of women and children, stressing that it is an integral part of the party and the country’s mission.

Since the 18th National Congress of the CPC, the party’s leadership on women and children’s work has been strengthened comprehensively. The legal system for protecting the rights and interests of women and children has been improved, the development environment for women and children has been optimized, and China’s international influence in this field has been enhanced. In parallel with economic and social development, the path for women and children’s development under socialism with Chinese characteristics is expanding.

Xi Jinping emphasized that women are an important force in promoting a strong country and national rejuvenation, while children hold the key to the country’s future. Party committees and governments at all levels must deeply understand the importance of developing women’s and children’s undertakings. They need to adhere to the national policy of gender equality and prioritize children’s development. This includes implementing the outline for the development of women and children, improving their comprehensive quality, and actively providing services and protection for women and children.

The General Secretary expressed hope that women and children workers would remain dedicated to their mission, carry forward the spirit of struggle, and make greater efforts to promote the high-quality development of women’s and children’s undertakings.

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In conjunction with Xi Jinping’s instructions, the 7th National Working Conference on Women and Children was held in Beijing on September 28. Li Qiang, member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Premier of the State Council, attended the conference and delivered a speech.

Li Qiang noted that Xi Jinping’s important instructions fully affirmed the achievements made in women’s and children’s causes since the 18th National Congress of the CPC. He emphasized the need to implement Xi’s instructions and promote the high-quality development of women’s and children’s work in the new era. The Premier stressed the importance of studying and implementing these instructions conscientiously.

Li Qiang also highlighted that since the 18th National Congress, Xi Jinping has provided important insights and new conclusions for the development of women and children’s causes. He urged the implementation of policies that promote gender equality, protect the rights of women and children, and support their all-round development, leading to a more fulfilling and happier life.

During the conference, specific actions were proposed, including focusing on implementing the Chinese Women’s Development Program and the Chinese Children’s Development Program, supporting women in building careers, prioritizing children’s development, improving policies to support family construction, and ensuring the legal rights and interests of women and children. The conference also stressed the importance of the Communist Party’s overall leadership in these efforts.

Chen Yiqin, State Councilor and Director of the State Council Working Committee on Women and Children, concluded the conference by calling for concerted efforts to implement Xi Jinping’s instructions and support the care and protection of women and minors. He emphasized the need to improve health services for women and children and strive for the high-quality development of women and children’s undertakings.

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Recognition was given to advanced collectives and individuals for their contributions in implementing the Outline for the Development of Women and Children. Representatives from various departments and regions also made exchange speeches during the conference.

Wu Zhenglong and Shen Yueyue also attended the conference, which was held through video and telephone conferencing. Deputy directors and members of the Women and Children’s Working Committee of the State Council, as well as representatives from provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government, were present at the meeting.

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