Home » Yan Zhen, deputy director of the Provincial Drug Administration, led a team to Hunan to investigate the construction of a drug circulation supervision database and the high-quality development of the drug circulation industry

Yan Zhen, deputy director of the Provincial Drug Administration, led a team to Hunan to investigate the construction of a drug circulation supervision database and the high-quality development of the drug circulation industry

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Yan Zhen, deputy director of the Provincial Drug Administration, led a team to Hunan to investigate the construction of a drug circulation supervision database and the high-quality development of the drug circulation industry

In order to carry out in-depth study and implementation of the theme education of Xi Jinping’s new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics, implement the deployment of the Party Central Committee’s Daxing investigation and research style, promote the construction of an integrated platform for smart supervision in the pharmaceutical business link of our bureau, and further promote the high-quality development of the pharmaceutical circulation industry in our province . From May 22nd to 25th, Yan Zhen, a member of the party group and deputy director of the Provincial Drug Administration, led a team to Hunan Province to investigate the construction of basic databases (hereinafter referred to as “three databases”) and the drug circulation industry of pharmaceutical companies, drug varieties, and key personnel. High-quality development work.

The research team pointed out that the construction of the “three warehouses” of drug distribution enterprises, as a key project of the provincial bureau’s theme education investigation and research, is the basic project of the integrated platform of smart supervision. Situation, early investigation and elimination of drug quality and safety risks.

The research team held discussions and exchanges with the Hunan Provincial Drug Administration, focusing on the construction of the “three databases” in the smart supervision integration platform, how to improve the enthusiasm and accuracy of enterprise information submission, innovate drug circulation supervision, and boost the development of the pharmaceutical industry, etc. The experience and measures of the two provinces have been discussed in depth, which has laid a good foundation for strengthening inter-provincial cooperation and supervision linkage in the future, and jointly promoting the high-quality development of the pharmaceutical industry in the two provinces. The research team also visited some local pharmaceutical retail chain enterprises successively, and listened to the practices and needs of the person in charge of the enterprise in the construction of the drug traceability information system, the “pharmacy +” business model, and the promotion of the development of pharmaceutical retail chain operations, as well as the promotion of circulation by government departments. Opinions and suggestions on high-quality development in the field.

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The research team said that in recent years, Hunan Province has gained a lot of good experience and practices in promoting the high-quality development of the pharmaceutical distribution industry and the innovative development of retail chains, which are worth learning from Guangdong. The Guangdong Provincial Bureau should learn from the rapid development of the pharmaceutical retail industry in Hunan Province. Based on advanced experience and supporting policies, we will continue to optimize policies and continuously improve regulatory efficiency on the basis of strengthening the bottom line of drug safety, so as to better serve the health needs of the people and better realize the high-quality development of Guangdong’s drug distribution industry. (Contributed by the Second Division of Drug Administration of the Provincial Bureau/Picture)

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