Home » Yoo Ji-sook, master singer of ‘Seodo Sori’, releases ‘Gwansan Yungma·Susimga’ album (feat Choi Gyeong-man, flute master) :: Empathy Media Newsis News Agency ::

Yoo Ji-sook, master singer of ‘Seodo Sori’, releases ‘Gwansan Yungma·Susimga’ album (feat Choi Gyeong-man, flute master) :: Empathy Media Newsis News Agency ::

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Yoo Ji-sook, master singer of ‘Seodo Sori’, releases ‘Gwansan Yungma·Susimga’ album (feat Choi Gyeong-man, flute master) :: Empathy Media Newsis News Agency ::

Yoo Ji-sook’s album Gwansan Yungma Susimga *Resale and DB prohibited

[서울=뉴시스] Reporter Suji Lee = “As I entered the path of Seodosori life, I thought it was a big task and destiny that I would have to complete one day.”

Yoo Ji-sook, a master singer of ‘Seodo-sori’ (artistic director of the National Gugak Center’s Folk Orchestra), released the album ‘Gwansan Yungma·Susim-ga’, which is considered the essence of Seodo-sori.

Seodo-sori uses a different scale from Namdo-sori and Gyeonggi folk songs and has a unique singing technique in which the sound is trembled. It is considered a difficult sound to sing, to the extent that there is a saying that ‘you have to drink the water of the Daedong River’ to sing Seodo-sori.

Master singer Yoo Ji-sook recorded ‘Gwansan Yungma’ and ‘Susimga’ on one album each, invested her own money, and completed this album after a total production period of three years.

Master Singer Yoo said, “I produced this album with the hope that it would be helpful in preserving and passing down our sound by accurately recording the two songs that are considered representative pieces of Seodo Sori.” He added, “Now we have taken the first step toward that big task. “We will continue to work on accurately capturing the sound of Calligraphy for the remainder of our singing career, promoting the beauty of Calligraphy sound both inside and outside and maintaining its legacy,” he said.

Yoo Ji-sook is a master singer. Gwansan Yungma performance *Resale and DB prohibited

‘Gwansan Yungma’ consists of a total of 44 phrases, and considering the difficulty of singing and the length of the song, up to 4 phrases are usually sung in performances and albums. Among the existing albums, the only album that contains all 44 pieces of Gwansan Yungma is the 1972 LP album ‘Seodo Sori Collection’ by master singers Oh Bok-nyeo, Kim Jeong-yeon, Kim Su-young, and Park Yun-bong. Master singer Yoo Ji-sook plans to produce an album of the remaining 30 pieces of Gwansan Yungma, starting with the recording of 14 pieces for this album.

Meanwhile, master Choi Kyung-man was the only instrumental accompanist on this album. He is considered the best flute player of this era with excellent performance and expression, enough to be considered the godfather of folk music. Master Choi Gyeong-man, who is also the spouse of master singer Yoo, understands the sound of master singer Yoo better than anyone else, further enhancing the appeal of calligraphy sound in this album.

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In ‘Gwansan Yungma’, while utilizing the sepiri used in jeongak, it contains thick vocal sounds and heavy bass sounds, and the melody is also expressed with folk song sensibility to maintain the center of the song. In the performance of ‘Susimga’, an incense pipe was used to add an interpretation that matched the song. Usually, the melodic instrumental accompaniment of the two songs was done with a single note or without accompaniment, but this is the first time that it was recorded with flute accompaniment.

The feeling of starting a task and original destiny in the life of sound, I will continue to work to accurately capture the sound of Seodosori.

□ Master singer Yoo Ji-sook said about this album, “As I entered the path of my life in Seodosori, I thought it was a big task and destiny that I would have to complete one day,” and added, “I have now taken the first step toward that big task, and I will continue to do so for the rest of my sori life.” “We will continue to work on accurately capturing the sound and promote the beauty of Seodo sound both inside and outside the country and maintain its legacy,” he said.

◎ Sympathetic Media Newsis [email protected]

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