Home » Be fun at the fourth edition Four tournaments in two days between Friday and Saturday

Be fun at the fourth edition Four tournaments in two days between Friday and Saturday

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The appointment with the Be Fun volley tournament organized by Giulio Pasteris, sports director of the Pgs Foglizzese, is back again this year. The fourth edition of this event will take place over the two days of Friday 7 and Saturday 8 January and will see four youth categories face off: the under 13, 16 and 18 female, in addition to the under 19 male. As every year, the gyms of Foglizzo (Multifunctional and, reserve still to be dissolved, that of schools), Montanaro and Caluso (Palarè) will be used, with the female under 13 playing in Montanaro, the under 16 female in Foglizzo and the under 18 female and 19 male instead in Caluso, for a total of 25 teams. In the women’s under 13 there will be six teams: in addition to the hosts of the Foglizzese, also Vol-Ley Academy Leinì Mappano, RivaCastel volley, Montalto Dora, san Raffaele and Club 76 Chieri. There are eight formations of the female under 16: again Foglizzese, RivaCastel and Vol-Ley Academy Leinì Mappano, to which are added Borgofranco volley, Vol-Ley Academy Volpiano, San Mauro, Cus Alpignano and Parella Torino.

Again six teams also in the women’s under 18: in addition to Foglizzese and Vol-Ley Academy Leinì Mappano, also Cus Alpignano, Volley Pont-Saint-Martin and Almese. Finally, in the under 19 men only Canavese are Foglizzo Borgofranco and Montanaro, then Sant’Antonio Genova, Virtus Boves and Alessandria.

The organizer Giulio Pasteris explains: «The excess of one year higher than each category is admitted to the tournament. The teams will be divided into groups. The classification that will be drawn up, in the event of a tie, considering the number of races won, the set quotient, points quotient and finally the direct match ». –

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