Home » Bologna, Mihajlovic: “I’ll be back to face the disease. I’ll give him another lesson”

Bologna, Mihajlovic: “I’ll be back to face the disease. I’ll give him another lesson”

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Bologna, Mihajlovic: “I’ll be back to face the disease. I’ll give him another lesson”

Sudden press conference by the Bologna coach: “From the latest analyzes alarm bells have emerged and there could be a risk of a reappearance of leukemia. This time I will not enter the tackle like two and a half years ago on a thrown opponent, but I will play in advance for don’t let it start “

The news that no one wanted to hear. Sinisa Mihajlovic is forced to stop again. The Bologna coach has called a press conference in which he announced that he will again have to face hospitalization and a therapeutic path to avoid the reappearance of the disease. Beside him, representing Bologna, the sports director Riccardo Bigon. Two and a half years ago Sinisa had suffered from high-risk acute myeloid leukemia. The previous journey had been long and led to a bone marrow transplant. Fortunately, now the situation is not so serious and indeed the technician appeared calm from the very first bars in which he explained the situation: “As you know, I cyclically carry out very in-depth analyzes after two and a half years ago I was struck by high myeloid leukemia. You all know the path that led me to a bone marrow transplant.

In recent years my recovery has been excellent, but these diseases are devious and bastard. From the latest analyzes, alarm bells have emerged and there could be a risk of a reappearance of the disease. To prevent this from happening, I was advised to undertake a therapeutic path that can eliminate this negative hypothesis in the bud “.


There was no lack of a football comparison and Sinisa, as he is used to doing, swelled his chest and muscles: “This time I will not enter the tackle like two and a half years ago on a thrown opponent, but I will play in advance so as not to let him go. illness is very courageous to still want to go back to facing someone like me … Okay, I’m here: if the first lesson wasn’t enough, we’ll give him another one “. So he explained the next steps. “At the beginning of next week I will have to be absent and I will be admitted to Sant’Orsola in the ‘advanced cellular therapies departmental program’ directed by Dr. Francesca Bonifazi who has already followed me in the previous phase of my therapeutic path. I know I am in excellent hands Al contrary to two and a half years ago when I barely managed to hold back the tears, this time you see me more serene. I know what I have to do and above all my situation is very different from that of then “.

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Mihajlovic explained that he will have to skip some matches: “I hope the times are short. You know me and you know that I will do everything to make them even faster, but I will certainly have to skip some matches. I have already set up the ward room that will host me. everything you need on a technological level to follow the team 24 hours a day… From training to everything else “. Finally, the call to fight together with the team: “The beginning of this 2022 was not lucky, but neither I nor the team must feel sorry for ourselves, it is in the difficulties that the courage and the ability to react of men are measured. that the boys will not disappoint me. I will fight with them as always and I know that they will fight for me too. They are good guys and good players. I ask the wonderful Bologna fans to support them and help them. May it be on the training ground of Castldebole, at Dall’Ara, away or in a hospital room, we won’t give up an inch. We’ll get back in the standings and I’ll be back here soon, with the team and with all of you. I also thank the president, the club and the managers for the affection and closeness “. Mihajlovic did not answer questions and from now on asked for respect for privacy: “I have only one request to make: that of respecting my right to privacy in the time it will take for therapy. Talk about Mihajlovic the coach and his Bologna on the pitch, but leave the Sinisa man to his needs. Thanks to everyone, see you soon and always Forza Bologna! “

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