Home » Calciomercato 2021, all the negotiations. Surprise Ilicic: will you stay at Atalanta? – Sports

Calciomercato 2021, all the negotiations. Surprise Ilicic: will you stay at Atalanta? – Sports

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Josip Ilicic (Ansa)

Bologna, 10 August 2021 – Josip Ilicic could stay atAtalanta. A sudden change of course that could catch the Milan, ready to welcome the imagination and technique of the Slovenian, perfect to replace the loss of Calhanoglu. The footballer would have had a meeting with Gian Piero Gasperini, hence his idea of ​​greeting Bergamo it would come out resized. The same technician had announced at a press conference a few days ago that the boy already had his suitcases in his hand. The reasons why are mysterious at the moment Ilicic he would have changed his mind, but now the needle hangs towards the permanence of the Goddess.

Nainggolan, addio all’Inter

Radja Nainggolan has terminated its contract with Inter. At the end of a negotiation that lasted several weeks, the Belgian managed to free himself and will now be able to decide his future in freedom. In the background there is, of course, the return to the beloved Cagliari. President Giulini he would be ready to offer a contract with the Sardinians to the midfielder, who would very much like to return to play in Sardinia.

Meanwhile, the Nerazzurri had targeted Martial of the Manchester United. According to reports from the English press, the Red Devils have determined that the Frenchman will not move from Manchester, upon specific request of the technician Solskjaer.

Rome, Icardi almost impossible. Milan tightens for Florenzi

The Roma ponders to find Edin’s successor Dzeko. The Bosnian seems ever closer to Inter and the Giallorossi have added Mauro’s name Icardi in the list of eligible heirs. The negotiation, however, is almost impossible: the center forward is valued a lot by Paris Saint Germain and could land in the capital only if the Parisians decide to open to a loan with right of redemption. To be evaluated if the landing of Messi in France may change something in the offensive department of Pochettino.

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The Milan continues in the blitz for Alessandro Florenzi, but keeps an important alternative as an ace in the hole. From Barcelona in fact, the rumor that the Rossoneri have probed rebounds Dest, full-back who could leave Catalonia to lighten the mount of salaries of the blaugrana. The solution would be found only with the formula of the loan with the right of redemption.

Other negotiations

The Sampdoria beat the competition of Sassuolo e Spice by Manuel By Luca, striker released from Chievo. The Bologna evaluates the possible sale of Mbaye, which likes to Empoli e Gaziantepspor. la Salerno made an offer to Martin Caceres, defender currently released.

Read also: Inter, Dzeko closer. Zapata costs a lot

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