Home » Clarification against Olympic propaganda – SPORT & POLITICS

Clarification against Olympic propaganda – SPORT & POLITICS

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Clarification against Olympic propaganda – SPORT & POLITICS

SPORT & POLITICS accompanies the DOSB’s helpless campaign with facts and exclusive documents. Issue 4 is dedicated to the disaster of German Olympic bids, is the first to process documents on 7 bankruptcies and corrects representations from DOSB, politicians, scientists and other lobbyists.

The sports-political complex’s Olympic bid campaign is in full swing. Although only a few hundred Germans are affected by the desperate efforts of the DOSB, the people are happily working on crazy plans. Billions of dollars are already being negotiated internally – from tax revenue, of course. As always.

That’s why we’ll be reporting on it extensively from now on. Expect amazing!

There will be a new magazine coming soon, this time probably only as an e-paper, but still unique. The advertising text:

And the fun again in plain language:

WAS? The files on SEVEN failed German Olympic bids were EXCLUSIVELY evaluated for the magazine. There has never been a systematic investigation into these DISASTERS, which have consumed huge sums of tax revenue. Those responsible were never held accountable. The DOSB, which pretends to be transparent, still REFUSES ACCESS TO FILES – on the other hand, federal authorities are obliged to do so in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act. That’s why facts are now presented to you, based on documents, secret BILLION-HOW FINANCIAL PLANNINGS, internal protocols, unique expertise and intensive research.

See also  The Last Emperor of Germany Podcast in the ARD Audiothek

WHY? Because citizens and taxpayers should know better. Because information is withheld from you and the application campaign deliberately misleads you. JOURNALISM MEANS ENLIGHTENMENT – FOR YOU! Most local media carry out propaganda in the spirit of DOSB and IOC.

WO? You can book the educational magazine at www.Jens Weinreich.de or www.SportandPolitics.de. If it convinces you, you can finance first-class investigative journalism in the sports business with a subscription.

WHEN? November 2023 as an e-paper. 100-150 pages.

By the way, you can use one All-Inklusive-Abo You can also book all magazines and e-books for one year – and all paywall elements at the same time. Special offer:

Have fun in this theater. The party is just beginning.

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