Home » Covid Germany, record infections. Towards the return of teleworking. New restrictions hypothesis

Covid Germany, record infections. Towards the return of teleworking. New restrictions hypothesis

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Rome, November 15, 2021 – In Germany the leader of the Greens, Robert Habeck, don’t hesitate to call it a “De facto lockdown of the unvaccinated”: compared to the drastic increase of infections (today for the first time an incidence of 303 infections out of 100,000 inhabitants in seven days), Berlin plans to return to smart working but not only. The parties grappling with the negotiations for the formation of a ‘traffic light’ government (Spd, Verdi and Fdp) have more rigid measures of those announced last week, all to be anchored in an upcoming reform of the infection protection law. And while just today Austria starts with the lockdown for unvaccinated, among the anti-Covid restrictions pending approval in Germany there is the possibility of resorting again to the limitation of personal contacts and social as well as the prohibition the unvaccinated to access public transport in the absence of a swab anti-Covid negative, and this regardless of the obligation of a mask. The weekly hospitalization rate is 4.7 patients per 100,000 inhabitants. The record was recorded around Christmas last year when it hit 15.5. Over the weekend, the Robert Koch Institut reported the overcoming of 5 million cases of Covid since the beginning of the pandemic: so far 5,045,076 have been detected. The meeting between State and regions.


As stated by the co-leader of the German Greens, Habeck: “The limitation of contacts and the ‘2G’ rule (ie access only to those who are immunized or cured of the virus) in large parts means de facto that it is of a lockdown for the unvaccinated “. The next possible chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) announced for its part that before the next round of coalition negotiations the three parties would “take all necessary decisions so that they can keep the infection process under control”. In the last 24 hours, the new infections have been 23.607, while the victims linked to Covid-19 amount to 43. The weekly hospitalization rate is 4.7 patients per 100,000 inhabitants. The record was recorded around Christmas last year when it hit 15.5. Over the weekend, the Robert Koch Institut reported the overcoming of 5 million cases of Covid since the beginning of the pandemic: so far 5,045,076 have been detected. The meeting between the state and the regions is expected for Thursday. As for the possible reintroduction of the telework, would take place less than five months after its revocation. According to a draft project anticipated by the German press, all companies would be required to grant the possibility of working from home if there are no “convincing reasons” that make the presence of workers necessary. In this case, it remains mandatory to prove that you have been vaccinated or test negative. The government is also thinking of limiting access to some events and places only to vaccinated or cured or negative: all measures to be developed at the meeting on Thursday, before approval by Parliament.

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And it does not rule out a tightening of the measures la France. Yesterday Bruno Le Maire, Minister of Economy, invited the recalcitrant to vaccinate: “We must think of others”, he said, adding that “it is necessary to do everything to avoid a new confinement”. Government spokesman Gabriel Attal said last Saturday that all options are on the table to fight the epidemic, including a new lockdown, although for now it should be ruled out, thanks to “the very high rate of vaccinations”. In any case, according to Attal, “nothing can be ruled out in principle”.

Speed ​​up vaccination on UK. From now the third dose booster of the Covid vaccine will be extended to all adults over 40 years old. This was announced by the president of the Joint Vaccination and Immunization Commission, Wei Shen Lim, specifying that it can be done six months after the second. And the go ahead at the second dosand Pfizer vaccine for i 16-17enni. Previously, only those who were considered ‘at risk’ could do it. The second dose for 16-17 year olds should be given at least 12 weeks after the first.

The vaccination program announced by the China, which aims to immunize all children aged between 3 and 11 years, equal to about 160 million, by the end of the year: more than half, 84.39 million, have already received the first dose, while 49.44 million have completed the entire cycle, the National Health Commission announced yesterday. , according to the People’s Daily. While some countries are hesitating about vaccines for younger people before more data is available, Beijing has decided to step up the pace. The country has already inoculated anti-Covid serum to over 75% of its 1.4 billion people, mostly adults and the elderly.

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