Home » Dolomites Revolution. Only Corbanese, Petdji Onescu and Cossalter sure of a jersey

Dolomites Revolution. Only Corbanese, Petdji Onescu and Cossalter sure of a jersey

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Dolomites Revolution.  Only Corbanese, Petdji Onescu and Cossalter sure of a jersey

Captain Simone Corbanese

With the failure to reach the playoffs, it’s time to think about the future. The new CEO Piazzi will have to convince the 4 players to stay


It will be revolution. Not total, but almost. The decision has been made and once the championship is over, the Belluno Dolomites will change characteristics for next season. Indeed, the next ones, because now the post-merger transition phase is considered to be over. We begin to lay the foundations to try to win within two or three seasons.

Con Luca Piazzi directing in the role of general manager, a figure to whom the company has long since entrusted the role of organizing and building a professional organization chart in all respects. From the point of the manager’s visit, some gaps were put in the budget during these months and can be justified, having behind us an impressive merger and which will need further time to go to full capacity. On the contrary, the results of the first team disappointed. The fact that, for example, in the last two games there have not been several key figures in the merger speaks volumes.

So let’s try to make an analysis of the core of current “senior” players projected to next season, while underlining two key aspects: in the case of those who want to confirm, the same players will have to say yes, and in any case the new coach will have the ‘last word. By the way, the prices of Marco Gaburo del Rimini, while it is now more complicated to hypothesize Parlato or the return of Tiozzo.


Georges Petdji, Daniel Onescu e Simone Corbanese. This is the central axis on which next season’s Dolomites want to rest. These three will be asked for sure to stay, although in Petdji’s case it had never been a mystery in the past his desire to try other experiences. In short, he will be convinced.

As for Onescu, maybe something more was expected in some matches, but he is recognized as a leader and on the pitch he is flexible and generous beyond belief. That wasn’t enough, it seems last summer he shook hands with a multi-year agreement.

As for Corbanese, the years pass – in July there will be 34 – but it continues to have a quality – price ratio of a top player. In addition, he is from Belluno and the Dolomites are identified with him. If Cobra wants it, the number 9 shirt belongs to him. But there will be another level shot ahead. Not being overpriced next year, we also include in the group Alex Cossalter: the team’s second striker of the season will be one of the key points.


Their impact had been exceptional, but then among injuries, physical troubles and subdued performances they hardly managed to leave their mark anymore: it is difficult to stay Andrea Raimondi e Mattia Bishop (the latter has a few more chances). For personal details also on Dario Teso reflections will be made.

The season was characterized by ups and downs Stefano Mosca and it is not excluded that it is decided to focus on a young full-back. As for the other people from Belluno, however, it will be a choice to be made together with the boy, who had already been tempted last season by being able to live a peaceful experience at Agordina.

They weren’t owners but they played a good number of games Halil Gjoshi, Sebastiano Sommacal e Alberto Tibolla. They represent the local backbone that some say is no longer needed. It will be necessary to understand if, in the eventuality, they will accept a role of completion of a staff that will raise the quality level in the owners.

Towards goodbye too Francesco Posoccowhile the felt pad Federico Trevisan he will need to understand his injury situation after a troubled year.

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