Home » For Strambinese a breath of fresh air “Now all together for salvation”

For Strambinese a breath of fresh air “Now all together for salvation”

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The Ivrea players leave the playout area, eight days after the conclusion of the tournament The sports director Varsalona: “We need to focus on ourselves”


The well-deserved victory of last Sunday, March 27, away from Serravallese 1922 to Serravalle Sesia, in the province of Vercelli, projected the Strambinese 1924 to 22 and for the first time this season outside the playout area, in eleventh position. The team of coach Mario Pesce in these first six games of the second round in group B of the First category has scrapped ten points, with the roadmap that has been three wins (Gattinara, Torri Biellesi and precisely Serravallese 1922), a draw , against leaders Junior Pontestura and two defeats (Ponderano and Valle Cervo). Sporting director Beppe Varsalona recounts the moment for the Azzurri: «We are gradually recovering all the injured players and the results are starting to show. In December we did not make the transfer market, knowing full well that in reality we had the purchases at home, because players like Gillone, Ferrero, Giacoletto and Pallante had to recover from their injuries and then the value is not in dispute. We have always played with a lot of absent players and it was not easy », Varsalona comments».

The Strambinese in the last eight matches is the master of her destiny: “We don’t run on anyone in particular – says the Azzurri’s sporting director – we have to think only of ourselves and to score as many points as possible against everyone to reach salvation as soon as possible . We will need everyone, from young people to senators ».

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Strambinese 1924 in eleventh position thanks also to the goals scored by Matteo Vicario, who reached seventeen goals this season, with two goals scored on the Serravalle Sesia field. “He is experiencing his best season – explains Varsalona – mentally and physically he is very well and this aspects are fundamental”.

Varsalona then analyzes the championship, focusing in particular on two teams: «This is a very balanced championship – says Varsalona -. At the beginning of the season I would have put Ceversama in first place, given that I think they are the strongest team in the group, then the Biellese have encountered some difficulties and have lost a few points, in favor of Junior Pontestura, now the favorite with eight games to go. of the championship “. –

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