Home » From Pirellone to the bench The new challenge of Pesato mister in the third category «Politics? I do more “

From Pirellone to the bench The new challenge of Pesato mister in the third category «Politics? I do more “

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From Pirellone to the bench The new challenge of Pesato mister in the third category «Politics?  I do more “

The 46-year-old former regional councilor at the helm of FC Portalbera “I have always been a sportsman, I have played football up to Excellence”

the case

In the 2022-23 football season, among the coaches at the start, there is a well-known name in Pavia politics, who has always had a boundless passion for football. At the helm of FC Portalbera, a third-class club in its second year of activity, there will be Vittorio Pesato, 46, a former regional councilor, for a long time on the political scene in Pavia and beyond, in the center-right area.

«Today I follow politics more from afar – says Pesato – I come from a family of entrepreneurs and I run a pharmaceutical company, with about forty agents throughout Italy. I don’t live in politics, and from a more external view, I can say that humility and listening skills are now lacking ». Sport, in the life of Pesato, originally from Asti, but a long-time resident of Pavia, has always played a central role: «I started with swimming as a child, then at a competitive level, I practiced skiing, football and tennis. Today I play tennis, a sport that represents a constant challenge with oneself, and I have returned to being a football coach ». As a footballer, Pesato reached Excellence, with the Trino Vercellese. At that time, some Serie C teams also called him for an audition, but his university career, work and commitment in politics took over: “As a child, I played football every day, on the street, in the oratory , out of school. I did the youth academy in Asti, and I got up to Excellence. There was also the possibility of a selection with professional teams, but I gave priority to study and work, combined with a political career. However, I continued to play between the first category and the promotion in the Asti area, and in my homeland, I also began to coach ».

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The restart in football

After a few years of hiatus, Pesato has restarted from football in Pavia; first he had experience as a coach of the Bressana youth sector, and last season he led the Broni juniores. Now he is ready to get behind the wheel of FC Portalbera, in the Third category: “I met the managers of FC Portalbera, and I like the idea of ​​doing something in the technical area of ​​this club, with the desire to have fun and take away some satisfaction. I have always been attracted to competition, I want to get involved, with great humility and a spirit of service. Passion, dedication, and a healthy competitive spirit always accompany me. In football, as in politics, victories and defeats alternate, but it is important to compete fairly, with respect for the opponent. Of course, those who are afraid of losing will never win, so it is right to be ambitious ». As a coach, Mr. Pesato mainly pursues a mission: «My primary objective is linked to the growth of the boys I coach, from a technical point of view, but also from a human and character point of view. The best gratification would be to see them play, in the future, in higher categories “.—


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