Home » Gesteco Cividale is still a construction site, but the great team spirit already stands out

Gesteco Cividale is still a construction site, but the great team spirit already stands out

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Gesteco Cividale is still a construction site, but the great team spirit already stands out

CIVIDAL. The Eagles fly to Carnia: from today until 9 September, in fact, the team of coach Pillastrini will be engaged between Sutrio and Paluzza in the second mini-retreat of this pre-season ducal.

And with the Memorial Bortoluzzi – ButanGas Trophy now in the archive, the opportunity becomes propitious to draw up a preliminary balance on the team created in the months following the promotion of the Friulians in A2. As well as on the group back from the double engagement against Forlì and Skrljevo faced during the weekend in Lignano.

“Our team is still a construction site”: then said the president Davide Micalich to the official microphones of the club. Sacrosanctly agree with him: the Cividale team, despite having kept the core of the roster almost intact, able to climb the top of the Serie B championship last year, has integrated, in the key roles, elements so thick but completely new to the ducal realities. .

Nonetheless, and despite the waste from summer preparation, the Pilla gang was able to embrace its limits and obstacles in the field by making a common front. How? Focusing on that determination that has brought so much good to the Ueb up to now, on the character that therefore allowed Chiera and his teammates to remount – albeit partially – Forlì on the lignano parquet of Viale Europa, to face the hail of triple that rained in the final for the third placed against Skrljevo. «We are working very well – continued the number one of the Eagles -, the staff is of the highest level. At the moment it is difficult to judge at what point the team is: what I feel like saying is that we are here and we have a crazy desire to have our say ».


Maybe starting from the A2 Super Cup, starting from Ferrara on Saturday 10. “The trophy for us, however, represents only a step towards the great meeting of 1 October, in Cividale, against Chieti in the league”.

In the meantime, the team is in Carnia, guests of the Italia hotel and the Sutrio building. The young Micalich, whose tear will be re-evaluated in about twenty days, and Nikolic are part of the group: for him a gradual resumption of training after the fatigue that prevented him from participating in the Bortoluzzi Memorial.

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