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Is Putin sick? How is the Russian president really – Foreign

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Is Putin sick?  How is the Russian president really – Foreign

Rome, March 15, 2022 – Vladimir Putin illin treatment for a tumor or in any case for a serious pathology that requires steroids and provokes outbursts of anger sudden? The Western 007 USA, UK, Canada and Australiathey are convinced of it. And as evidence they cite well-informed sources. So the news, anyway to verify, is being relaunched by the media around the world. As if to seek a rational explanation for the horror of the war in Ukraine that dominates us.
Saverio Cinieri, national president of the Italian Association of Medical Oncology (Aiom), however, makes it clear: if the Russian leader’s health conditions are precarious, and if he is really being treated with steroid drugs that would have altered his mental abilities, “I suspect that we will never know. But what should be emphasized is that it is certainly not possible to make an oncological diagnosis from a photo ”. Yes, the images of the Russian president. Face, neck and hands of a suspicious swellingobservers note. And that habit of always keeping great distances from his interlocutors, be it French President Macron, German Chancellor Scholz or Russian entrepreneurs.

Luigi Cavanna, head of Oncology in Piacenza, also wrote it in a chat with colleagues. “The photographs give me the impression of a person taking cortisone doses. It’s swollen, with the skin tightened, smooth, like those on drug treatment with steroids, cortisone which retains fluids, makes face, neck and hands comatose. “It also becomes a way to give yourself a rational explanation of the horror?” I think so – acknowledges the doctor -. As if he somehow he said, Samson die with all the Philistines. He must be in a pathological physical and psychological situation.
Cinierti observes: “Steroids can be taken for many reasons, even for rheumatic diseases not only for oncological pathologies. In any case, there is a long literature on Putin’s diseases and beyond. It was done on many powerful people on earth ”, recalls the expert.

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An example of these analyzes, which concerns Putin himself, dates back to 2015: a team of neurologists from the Netherlands – from Radboud University Medical Center – in a study published in the Christmas issue of the ‘British Medical Journal’ of that year, put under the slow his walk and noticed that the right arm did not swing like the other, it was more static. A distinctive sign that has prompted experts to wonder if the asymmetrical gait could not be a spy for early Parkinson’s. But the conclusion, after analyzing an extensive review of videos, then was that it could be a gait (defined by ‘gunslinger’) legacy of military discipline and youth training in the KGB.

But there are many hypotheses on the health conditions of the 69-year-old Russian president. There was also talk of the Parkinson’s disease o di premature senile dementia. In short, a physical condition that would enormously affect Putin’s mental health, partly explaining the decision to go against the whole world by invading Ukraine and risking triggering a global conflict. The 007 meanwhile reveal how sources from the Kremlin or close to the Kremlin tell of how in recent years the president’s indications have changed continuously, and how the persuasive force and clarity of his messages and directives have gradually waned, as well as the tsar’s perception of the world around him would become more nebulous than when it happens outside the palace walls. This would also explain the errors of evaluation in starting the military campaign in Ukraine, with many of the Kremlin’s beliefs proven wrong, starting with what would have been the reaction of Ukraine and the Western world.

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