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Ivrea, with Nalboxe 600 high school students in the gym

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Ivrea, with Nalboxe 600 high school students in the gym

Activities with city high schools continue And anti-bullying video is also popular in the United States


The school year is drawing to a close and, consequently, also the activity of the Nalboxe gymnasium in Ivory Coast aimed at high school students, who in recent months have again had the opportunity to approach the “noble art”, declined as a tool for personal growth , to strengthen self-esteem and, why not, as a method of self-defense in case of aggression. «As always – comments the owner Fabrizio Nalbone – the response of the students was exceptional: coming out of the pandemic and disturbed by the news about the war, the boys show a great desire for contact, to meet again. There are over 600, from 27 different classes, those who have gone to the gym in recent months. A special thanks goes to Lucia Mongiano, director of the Liceo Botta, an institute with which a particularly solid relationship has been created ».

Before the last bell rings, Nalbone would like to organize a sports meeting, a challenge between classes and institutes, based on athletic tests: «I don’t want me guys to challenge each other in the ring, God forbid! But athletics trials, because he has understood in recent months that the boys need comparison, healthy competition and even recognition. I am working with the municipal administration to have the San Giovanni facility available and I hope to be able to organize this great sporting party ». In recent days, Mayor Stefano Sertoli visited the gym in via San Varmondo Arborio and guaranteed his commitment: «For young people and for sport, our support is always there. This, then, is a reality of absolute excellence that is doing a very important job, from the educational aspect of children and helps them to socialize, to get out of those bubbles in which they very often isolate themselves, inside their homes or attached to a smartphone. Let’s not forget how unfortunately it is nowadays useful to provide the basic rudiments of self-defense, especially to girls ».

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A year that is ending, for Fabrizio Nalbone it is an opportunity to look to the future, both in Ivrea and overseas: “For the next school year, our business will continue and, in parallel with physical activity, I should be able to introduce theoretical aspects that they will be followed by some lawyers and by the psychologist Giada Giorgio to offer the children all the useful elements for greater human growth. Then there are three California schools that have decided to adopt the video we made in 2019 as part of the “anti-bullying week” that traditionally inaugurates the school year in the States. An award that makes us very happy and contributes to to corroborate our project to export the model successfully tested here in Ivrea also there ». –

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