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Kay Bernstein (†): Public prosecutor announces preliminary autopsy results

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Kay Bernstein (†): Public prosecutor announces preliminary autopsy results

Hertha BSC Kay Bernstein (†)

Public prosecutor announces preliminary autopsy results

As of: 4:03 p.m. | Reading time: 2 minutes

Death of Hertha President – ​​“You can’t believe he died so young”

The president of Hertha BSC, Kay Bernstein, died unexpectedly at the age of 43. His sudden death caused shock and sadness among friends and football fans, says BILD sports director Walter M. Straten on WELT TV. He has achieved a lot and still has a lot planned, says Straten.

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After the death of Hertha boss Kay Bernstein, the cause was still unclear. Now there are initial findings that a natural death is likely. However, a final result of the examination of the body will still take some time.

The Frankfurt (Oder) public prosecutor’s office sees no signs of foul play in the death of Hertha President Kay Bernstein and “most likely assumes a natural death”. This is the preliminary result of the autopsy of the club boss’s body, as a spokeswoman confirmed on Thursday. Toxicological and histological samples were still taken, which still needed time to be examined.

This is a standard procedure in such a case to finally clarify the cause of death. It is still unclear when the results will be available, said the spokeswoman. Bernstein’s body has now been released.

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President of Hertha BSC

After the club boss’s sudden death at the age of 43, a death investigation was initiated in Brandenburg, where Bernstein lived on the outskirts of Berlin. This is a normal process when the cause of death is unclear, said a police spokeswoman.

Hertha honors Bernstein as a special person

Bernstein’s death caused great sympathy and consternation across the country. The former lead singer in the Ostkurve had been president of his club since mid-2022. He was extremely popular with Hertha supporters because he made the club more approachable and down-to-earth again. Numerous fans and football personalities have honored him in recent days.

“Special people leave their mark. The memory of them lives on even when they are no longer there. Moments and anecdotes. Images that immediately come to mind when her name is mentioned. Values ​​and dreams that they formulated and lived. Kay Bernstein did all of this,” his club wrote on the club’s website. The “depth and complexity of sympathy say a lot about what kind of person Kay was.”

Anyone who wants to understand “why this special president touched the Hertha family so much can hear one of the numerous anecdotes told by those who had to do with him at and around our Old Lady. How he treated every employee, every fan, every person in a friendly and sincere manner, authentically and at eye level. Inspiring, happy to discuss, empathetic. What an extraordinary presence and transparency he showed. In the office, in the stadiums of the Republic, in our entire city.”

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