Home » Pedavena, Valzoldana and San Vittore say no to the repechage, Comelico takes time. Group 14 in 2nd

Pedavena, Valzoldana and San Vittore say no to the repechage, Comelico takes time. Group 14 in 2nd

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Pedavena, Valzoldana and San Vittore say no to the repechage, Comelico takes time.  Group 14 in 2nd
The Valzoldana that won the Dolomites Cup


One accepts, three give up and one takes a few days to reflect. The formal opening of the new season brought five repechages to Belluno football.

However, only the Longarone Alpina is sure to take the pass with which to officially go up to the Promotion. Instead, Valzoldana, Pedavena and San Vittore will say no, thus remaining in Terza.

The situation of Comelico is different, as he intends to think carefully whether or not to accept the second ascent. Speaking of the Second Category, in the end the groups will be 14 formations and not 16 as it seemed until a few days ago.


The provincial football could therefore propose a poker of additional teams in the regional championships. In fact, places were available for Valzoldana (first in the ranking), Pedavena, Comelico and San Vittore.

In reality, however, the option that none of them say yes is quite concrete. Only the Comelico option remains, a formation defeated in the playoff final by Nogarè and determined to evaluate in the next few days the burdens and honors of a possible landing on the upper floor. The others, however, had already communicated for some time their intention to remain in Third, postponing this joy to a victory on the field.

In reality, Valzoldana took the Dolomiti Cup home, but it was still the first year of activity. Perhaps a little more surprising is the choice of Pedavena, considering the squad that has very little to do (on paper) with a provincial championship. The Gialloblù would like a joy on the pitch and also have the commitment to start the youth sector.

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However, beware of a fact that should be underestimated: the renunciation of the repechage now precludes the same opportunity next summer. In practice, the three teams mentioned will not be able to access a repechage in view of the 2023-2024 vintage.


Accounts in hand, the FIGC Veneto has chosen to organize the Second in groups of 14 teams, with two relegations for each group. At 14 also Promotion and Prima, having been the most voted solution by the clubs: here, however, there will be four relegations, of which hard direct and two through playout.

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