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Riso Scotti, the captain’s line “Total trust in the new coach”

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Riso Scotti, the captain’s line “Total trust in the new coach”

Marco Torgano breaks the silence of the team after Fabio Di Bella’s farewell “The key to overcoming the difficult moment is to rely on Ducarello’s ideas”


Riso Scotti raises its head by storming the Robur Et Fides campus in the first of three consecutive away matches before the derby with Vigevano. A first step towards the playoffs has been taken, now the Pavia team must continue on this path, because even the away match on the Borgomanero field tomorrow (ball at two hours 18) is more difficult than a ranking where the Piedmontese team says. is last.

«We look game after game and it is not a way of saying – attacks captain Marco Torgano – compared to Empoli in Varese we have not had a drop in tension and we have always been on track. We started well with both Varese and Empoli, but the difference was that on the Campus we were solid and aggressive for the entire 40 ‘. I am convinced that the work we are doing with coach Ducarello is excellent. We have to give him time to pass on his defensive and offensive game system ».

The challenge with Varese was important. «Inside the locker room we said to ourselves that it was essential to beat a team equal to us in the standings – underlines Torgano – it is a victory that is worth double. In addition to the colon, it gives us confidence, the desire to get back in the game, morale and that enthusiasm that was dying out ».

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Pavia held up above all behind, conceding only 60 points. «We are setting up a defensive system that involves everyone and allows us to cover gaps that we can have individually. We took a little step forward in Varese. It is important to be tough and aggressive, to put your hands on your opponents, to prevent them from gaining energy and enthusiasm, otherwise you will suffer 80 points ».

Riso Scotti has gone through a difficult month, with the resignation of coach Fabio Di Bella after the defeat at Legnano, which came always suffering from opponents.

«The key to getting out of that difficult moment was holding on and entrusting ourselves totally to Ugo Ducarello. We understood that he was a great coach, so we continued to train hard, trying to put more energy into the field even in moments when we were mentally in reserve. Personally I made myself available to help everyone and I must say that the team reacted well ».

Torgano was in Riso Scotti both last year when Di Bella took over Baldiraghi and now that Ducarello replaced the resigning Di Bella. «A change in the race of the coach brings confidence in the environment – adds the captain of Riso Scotti – at the beginning it is difficult, but then this turns into positive energy which is then what is needed to compete on the pitch. This year we got into a difficult mental condition and we were struggling to do everything for various reasons, ranging from the pitch to off-pitch situations. The thing I liked more than any other was that no one thought about giving up. The team has always tried to keep up. Now let’s think about the field, we have set ourselves short-term goals, let’s go to Borgomanero to win ».

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maurizio scorbati

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