Home » Roma and Mou: is the honeymoon already over?

Roma and Mou: is the honeymoon already over?

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After the draw with Bodo, criticism rained down for the statements on the referees and also for the management of Abraham, Shomurodov and Mayoral

“Is he still Special One or has he become Normal One?”. The day after the draw against the Norwegians of Bodo (Roma have conceded eight goals in two games) the fans, although they are still on the side of the Portuguese – or at least the overwhelming majority – discover that he too does not have the magic wand. And without putting him in the dock, as happened to other coaches in the past who did not have his history, however, they begin to see some cracks. Play, communication, individual performance: “Are we sure that Mou’s choices have all been right so far?”, They ask.


Roma, at the moment, are fourth in the league table and could have had a few more points if, as is the belief of almost all the Roma fans, “the referees had been more careful, so to speak”. In the Conference, Roma are second in a very simple group and Bodo’s defeat, with six goals scored in one evening, weighs like a stone. The analysis of the fans, for a few days and this morning in particular, focuses on Mou and his choices: “Roma do not have a game yet”, “there was no need to leave out players who were in the Europa League last year they did well ”,“ squeezed Abraham and saddened Shomurodov, besides making Mayoral disappear, it makes no sense ”. Many continue to trust him (“we can’t help but cling to a winner like this”), but the feeling is that many fans are starting to wake up from a dream and see the harsh reality. A reality in which Mou will need time to correct everything that is wrong.

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The comunication

Another thing that the fans are beginning to understand little is the communication of the Portuguese. If in the league the protests about the referees were shared and fully married, few people liked talking about the referee direction after the draw with Bodo. Also because the referee’s performance was poor in all cases, with penalties not granted to Roma and Ibanez’s goal offside. “If the night before the Bodo you think about posting Veretout’s rigor compared to Dybala’s, what message do you give to the players?” Asked a listener on a radio this morning. Among those who, however, say that “Mou is right to hit this button”, there are those who do not understand “this attention shifted to the referee rather than to everything that is wrong. Let’s think about the team, that the season is still very open ”. Cracks yes, then, but to try to close immediately. Already Sunday in Venice, otherwise it will be probable that a not exactly serene stop will arrive in Trigoria.


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