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Santoriello does not give up and now raises – Sport

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Cavese will present, at 6 pm, the new sporting director Pietro Fusco. The event will be broadcast on Cavese Calcio’s official Facebook page and, simultaneously, on Rtc Quarta Rete, and will certainly be followed by hundreds of Cavese supporters interested in understanding what the strategies of the Metellian club could be after the relegation to Serie D. two and a half months ago. Above all, the club could clarify the point relating to registration with the Interregionale: if it has already done so in recent days it means that Cavese still wants to try the road of readmission to C, although its hopes are very low; if, on the other hand, the registration will take place within the next ten days, it is certain that the biancoblu will start again from D. Fusco will be responsible for the construction of the squad for the 2021-2022 season, also developments relating to the coach are expected (which, barring surprises, should be Giuseppe Ferazzoli), but in what environment will Cavese prepare to start the new football season? Despite being much contested by the fans, the president Massimiliano Santoriello will remain in his place, determined to redeem himself after the relegation: according to a series of indiscretions, an entrepreneur (who later turned out to be Antonio By Sarlo, now in Imola), he would have attempted the climb to Cavese in recent weeks, without however being able to convince the patron to sell the company, so the new championship should be an opportunity for Santoriello to change his opinion to the skeptics. And in any case, the members who will be part of the squad will be able to bring their fans back to the team above all by making results, and possibly going through a good game. In case of participation, more and more probable, to D, the options regarding the group would be three for Cavese: group I, the one attended mainly by Sicilian and Calabrian teams; group H, which includes the teams from Campania and also those from Puglia and Basilicata; and group G, where there are also teams from Sardinia and Lazio. In a month the formation of the groups will be known. The season recently ended for Cavese as a team has been very negative, but among the members who have been part of the club in the last championship there are those who have already found a new accommodation: the midfielder Christian Nunziante signed with Turris, while the left fielder Niccolò Rich he moved to Viterbese.
Orlando Savarese
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