Home » Shooting in the Neapolitan area: one of the two injured is in a coma, the other is out of danger

Shooting in the Neapolitan area: one of the two injured is in a coma, the other is out of danger

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Shooting in the Neapolitan area: one of the two injured is in a coma, the other is out of danger

Qualiano (Naples), 30 May 2022 – His life is no longer in danger Castrese D’Alterioone of the 4 young people hit in the ambush that took place the night between Saturday and Sunday 29 May last in front of a bar in Qualiano (Naples).
Michele Di Palma, the other seriously injured, is instead in a pharmacological coma and is still in danger of life. Instead, they are better off Bernando Falco (who was discharged after being medicated) e Nicola Di Palma (remained under observation after being operated on).

It was a shoot Marco Bevilacqua, the 37-year-old caught by the carabinieri a few hours after the ambush, now awaiting the validation hearing: he is accused of attempted multiple murder. The investigations will have to ascertain the reasons for the gesture, which according to a first hypothesis would be connected to a dispute that Bevilacqua would have had in recent days with the group of young people.

Bevilacqua, also from Qualiano, had been at the town hall last week: he was demanding a subsidy. On January 24, 2006, when he was 20, he was arrested formurder of father-in-law, which took place in Scafati (Salerno). In 2008 the Court of Assizes of Appeal of Salerno, confirming the first degree sentence, established that he should serve 14 years and 4 months of imprisonment, a sentence that became final in 2009. Then, after a few years in prison, the house arrest and freedom thanks also to good conduct.

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