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“Sport helps overcome every obstacle”

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Yesterday big party at PalaSerradimigni for the 10th anniversary of the Dinamo Foundation

SASSARI. A life lesson from those who play sports, with results as a goal but also as a means to fulfill oneself as a person. Different experiences, different but often bumpy routes, daring descents and ascents.

Yesterday morning at PalaSerradimigni some of these special lives crossed, giving life to a meeting that represented the highlight of the celebrations for the tenth birthday of the Dinamo Foundation. On the armchairs of sector B, about 500 students from institutes in Sassari and the province laughed at the jokes of Stefano Manca, who presented the event, and listened attentively to the stories of those who, in one way or another, he made it.

From Giovanni Achenza, bronze medalist in Paratriathlol at the recent Tokyo Games, to the duo formed by Davide Cannata and Michele Cannoni, who are part of the Luna Rossa team; from the Italian national basketball team for athletes with down syndrome, European champion, represented by coach Giuliano Bufacchi and Davide Paulis, to the stars of the three teams that carry the colors of Dinamo: the one led by Jack Devecchi, the female one with Cinzia Arioli, and that of wheelchair basketball represented by Claudio Spanu.

With the president Stefano Sardara and Giuseppe Cuccurese, general manager of the main sponsor Banco di Sardegna, representing the “institutional” part of the biancoblù world, the spokesperson of Unicef ​​Andrea Iacomini was also speaking to the students on the parquet floor of the building. “Be curious, ask, get information – he said to the young people present -. You are not required to save the world today but you must know that in the far south of this world there is always someone in need. Have fun and live your life 100 percent ».

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«Banco does many things together with Dinamo and its Foundation – said Sardara and Cuccurese -, which is an important rib of the biancoblù world. We strongly believe that it makes sense to stay close to young people, starting with support for schools and families ».

Then space for the stories, some of them really touching. “When I left the hospital after the accident – said Achenza – I had to learn everything again, for three years I didn’t know what to do with my life: then I started almost by chance to compete, win marathons and we realized I had potential. In 2009 I started the professional path that led me to the podium of the Olympics ». «I am very proud to be Sardinian and to represent my island in Europe and in the world – said Davide Paulis -. For me, not giving up means being with the team, whether you win or lose ».

«My passion for sailing was born with Luna Rossa, before I was a swimmer – said Davide Cannata – When an opportunity arises we have to use all our energy because it could change our life. We have to push from day one even if time is the most important resource we have and should not be wasted. Devote your energies to something that you are passionate about ».

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