Home » Switzerland and Canada entered the semi-finals of the World Cup

Switzerland and Canada entered the semi-finals of the World Cup

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Switzerland and Canada entered the semi-finals of the World Cup

The first two groups that entered the semi-finals of the World Championship within the Czech Republic are unknown. On Thursday, in Ostrava, Switzerland eradicated Germany (3-1) within the quarterfinals. The choice of Switzerland thus ended the streak of 4 consecutive appearances within the quarter-finals of the World Cup. He final entered the semis in 2018 (there was no match in 2020, as a consequence of Covid-19) and, that yr, Switzerland reached the ultimate (crushed by Sweden).

At the top of the primary half, the Swiss have been main 2-0 in opposition to Germany, in final yr’s remaining, with targets from Christoph Bertschy and Nico Hirschier (New Jersey Devils). The Germans then decreased the hole by way of Dominik Kahun halfway by way of the second half and remained a menace till the ultimate minutes of the match, when Bertschy scored once more, in an empty cage, one minute from the top.

Canada escapes within the third interval

At the identical time, in Prague, Canada, the reigning world champion, certified in opposition to Slovakia (6-3). The Canadian choice led 3-1 within the third interval, when Dylan Guenther (Arizona Coyotes) and Brandon Tanev (Seattle Kraken) scored in twenty seconds. The Slovaks then narrowed the hole (5-3, 57th), however it was too late to return to their opponent. Samuel Hlavaj, their goalkeeper, scored 37 targets.

The different two quarterfinals will happen on Thursday night (8:20 pm). In Ostrava, Sweden will face Finland and, in Prague, the United States will play the Czech Republic. The semi remaining desk shall be recognized on the finish of those final two matches. The better of the 4 qualifiers, in group rank, will face the worst.

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