Home » Tax relief for football is more of a hunchback than a mini-extension: Lotito’s amendment proposes “taxes in half until 2028”

Tax relief for football is more of a hunchback than a mini-extension: Lotito’s amendment proposes “taxes in half until 2028”

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Tax relief for football is more of a hunchback than a mini-extension: Lotito’s amendment proposes “taxes in half until 2028”

Five more years of half-assed taxes. More than a small extension: the football lobby in Parliament he doesn’t give up, he relaunches. Yet another amendment to restore the Growth Decree, anticipated by Done already on Wednesday, it arrived on time in the Chamber, where the conversion of the decree is being discussed A thousand extensionsobviously presented by Forza Italiathrough the president-patron Claudio Lotito. But, compared to forecasts, it is not limited to “saving” the next summer transfer market: this time the proposal even envisages extending the tax relief which allows taxes to be paid only on half the salary of players purchased from abroad even until the end of the 2028.

A surprise move that Forza Italia and Lotito need to start negotiations with the government: the extension of the Growth decree for the next five years would be politically unsustainable but it is a way to obtain an extension of the deadlines for tax relief, albeit more limited. Let’s talk about a measure that is valid 1-2 million less per year per purchase (it is proportional to the salary, the higher it is, the more the benefit increases). After all, little change in a company’s balance sheet, but presidents are so desperate that they attach themselves to everything and continue to demand this state alms.

In the decree A thousand extensions approved by the government on 29 December, a rule had already been inserted which provided for the extension of the Growth decree at least for the winter transfer market session (the one which ends at the end of the month). But it had been the League of Matteo Salvini to get in the way, blowing up the measure right in the Council of Ministers: “No more discounts and tax advantages for foreign footballers who earn millions”, said the secretary of the Northern League.

The Minister of Sport Andrea Abodi thus he had removed the law, but is in favor of the extension. In recent days he said that “Parliament is sovereign”. The point is all here. To try to circumvent the League’s political veto and not cause too much embarrassment to the majority, this time the parliamentary route will be followed. And this is how Forza Italia’s amendment to the Milleproroghe decree under discussion in the Constitutional Affairs commission of the Chamber emerged. What happens in the Commission is now no longer the government’s business, which in any case would be ready to give a favorable opinion. There Lega instead she continues to be against the measure at the cost of splitting the majority, Northern League sources say.

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The unknown of the times remains. It must be understood whether the extension would save in any way retroactive also the purchases of the current January market, which will be finished due to the publication of the law in the Official Journal (from the way the amendment is written, it could be). And then the actual duration, given that, as mentioned, the five-year period seems more like a provocation to extract a compromise.

The objective is first and foremost next session in July, because the real deals, the most expensive purchases, the highest paid champions, are made in the summer. On the table there is always the proposal for a more organic reform of the relief, which involves raising the ceiling (today it applies to salaries above one million euros, therefore practically everyone in A league) and introduce some other limits, in order to save the discount in the long term. And to think that we are talking about a benefit that has just been canceled by the government, which only last October decided to abolish the Growth Decree. But since then the ball is being pressed I continue and try to restore it in every useful provision, from the Fiscal Delegation to the Budget Law, and now again in the Milleproroghe. Who knows, this time the shot might end up directly on goal.

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