Home » The new coach of the national football team was nicknamed “Uncle Ivan” during his first training session – Culture, Tourism and Sports – People’s Daily Online

The new coach of the national football team was nicknamed “Uncle Ivan” during his first training session – Culture, Tourism and Sports – People’s Daily Online

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The new national football coach, Branko Ivankovic, has quickly made an impression on his colleagues and players with his unique leadership style. Dubbed “Uncle Ivan” by some members of the team, the 70-year-old Croatian coach has brought a sense of camaraderie and humor to the training sessions.

Ivankovic’s friendly demeanor was evident as he greeted everyone with a simple “Hello” in Chinese upon arriving at the Shenzhen Football Association training base. The training sessions have been filled with laughter and camaraderie, with Ivankovic focusing on building relationships with the players and staff.

Unlike his predecessor, Ivankovic has adjusted the training schedule to accommodate the players’ needs, scheduling main outdoor sessions in the afternoon or evening. He has also emphasized the importance of rest and recovery for the players, especially after their recent Chinese Super League matches.

In addition to physical training, Ivankovic’s coaching staff has included business meetings in the schedule to instill coaching concepts and answer questions from the players and Chinese coaches. Ivankovic has also made an effort to get to know the players, meeting with them individually and building relationships before the training camp began.

The training camp has also welcomed a new foreign technical analyst, Farzad Habebollahitari, who joined the team for the second outdoor training session. With the coaching staff now complete, the national football team is gearing up for their upcoming matches against the Singaporean team later this month.

Overall, Ivankovic’s approach to coaching has been well-received by the team, with players expressing optimism and hope for the future under his leadership. As the training camp progresses, all eyes will be on the national football team as they prepare for the World Cup preliminaries with their new coach at the helm.

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