Home » The Omicron variant and the protest in England: the Africa Cup of Nations can be canceled

The Omicron variant and the protest in England: the Africa Cup of Nations can be canceled

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The Omicron variant that risks going further out of control in the very continent where it exploded. The protests of the Premier League clubs, which would see their players leave forced to return to a long quarantine to take the field in the league. This year’s busy calendar, with the specter of Covid and injuries. There seem to be many, too many, indications that go towards the cancellation of the Africa Cup of 2022. But before today the topic had not yet been addressed.

The sensational hypothesis that rebounds from France (the source is RMC Sport) speaks of an announcement by the CAF, the African Football Confederation, which could arrive shortly: no Africa Cup of Nations this year. The competition, which is expected to start on January 9 in Cameroon, is facing numerous organizational difficulties related to the pandemic and its new Omicron variant. Hence the reasoning and the possible announcement in a short time.


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