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the opposite seven end within the historic space

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the opposite seven end within the historic space

The second day of the Canoe World Cup in Poznan has been archived. Selection exterior of Italy, which was centered on the upcoming European Championships, and 7 different finals had been performed immediately.


Women’s K1 200 China dominates: win by Mengdie Yin in 41″50, forward of teammate Nan Wang who beat her by greater than seven tenths, third place to Poland’s Katarzyna Kolodziejczyk. Polish smiling C1 200 Oleksii Koliadych to Nadiradze from Georgia and his compatriot Kitewski, Lisa Carrington proved himself on the high of the K2 500, successful as soon as Alicia Hoskin and giving Germany a second and nearly two to Poland, whereas the Germans Lisa Jahn and Hedi Moana Klienmke they returned dwelling with success within the C2 200.


In the boys’s C1 500 he smiles Conrad Robin Scheibner, who received by 1’55”57 over Ukrainian Taras Mazzovskyi and Polish Juliusz Kitewski. Always Germany in K2 on the similar distance: the success of Jacob Schopf and Max Lemke in 1’33”36 forward of Max Rendschmidt and Tom Liebscher-Lucs by one second, Polish duo Stepun/Korsak third. In the K1 500 Belgian Bram Sikkens received the dash forward of Chinese Yi DOng, whereas Cypriot Stefan Kleanthous was third.

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