Home » There are 100 days left before the Giro d’Italia: even Lussari paints himself pink

There are 100 days left before the Giro d’Italia: even Lussari paints himself pink

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There are 100 days left before the Giro d’Italia: even Lussari paints himself pink

UDINE. In the night between Thursday 26 and Friday 27 January, coinciding with the start of the countdown of 100 days to the start of the 106th Giro d’Italia, the cities that will host the 21 stages of the race have lit up their most characteristic places in pink.

The Trevi Fountain, in Rome, illuminated in pink

The Giro d’Italia, organized by Rcs Sport, will start on 6 May from the Costa dei Trabocchi and finish on 28 May in Rome. In the Italian capital, the pink lighting of the Trevi Fountain was also created thanks to the contribution of Enel, sponsor of the pink jersey. The Abruzzo Region will host the Grand Start of the Giro d’Italia for the second time in its history, 22 years after the only previous one.

The Tre Cime di Lavaredo, place of arrival of the 19th stage

Given the impossibility of artificially resorting to plays of light, mother nature thought of giving a pink frame to Mount Lussari, site of the arrival of the penultimate stage (the uphill time trial starting from Tarvisio is scheduled for 27 May), with a postcard sunset: all pink.

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