Home » Tourism, Federalberghi: + 33% of presences in May on 2019, boom in foreigners

Tourism, Federalberghi: + 33% of presences in May on 2019, boom in foreigners

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Tourism, Federalberghi: + 33% of presences in May on 2019, boom in foreigners

Rome, June 14, 2022 – Il turismo in Italia is recovering, in part thanks to the boom of foreign tourists: this is what emerges from a survey by Federalberghi, Nexi e Zucchetti on the attendance and expenses of tourists. May figures are encouraging ahead of the summer season and hopefully returning to normal after two tragic years for the sector.

Per maggio a solid is registered + 33.4% on 2019, the result of + 13.5% of Italian presences and + 45.8% of foreign ones. A marked growth compared to what was recorded in April, when the presence of tourists in Italian hotels increased by 10.5% compared to 2019, but with foreigners who registered a decrease of 26.3%. It should be emphasized that in the period January-2022 the presences have not yet returned to pre-pandemic levels: there was a decrease of 3.1% for Italians and 6.8% for foreigners compared to 2019. investigation also provides the return of the Americans this year: for the number of searches carried out online, US citizens are the most interested in coming to our country on vacation.

“We are confident that the good performances achieved by the Easter holidays and the long weekends of April 25 and June 2 are the prelude to a positive summer – he says. Alessandro Nucarageneral manager of Federalberghi – and that the second half of the year will make it possible to at least partially alleviate the wounds inflicted on companies by the tragic two years, which we want to put behind us as soon as possible “.

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As regards the favorite destinations of tourists, according to the survey, seaside tourism will involve practically all of Italy this summer. From the analysis of Zucchetti and Lybra.tech the Venetian beaches and the Romagna Riviera as the most popular destinations, but on the list we also find the Etruscan Coast, the Costa Smeralda, the Island of Elba, the Amalfi Coast, the northern coast of Sicily and the South Tuscan Maremma.

Finally, not only the attendances are recovering but also expenses of tourists. According to Nexi, from the PayTech analysis it emerges that in May they grew overall by 13.7% on the same month of 2019, specifically by + 25.6% for Italians and + 9% for foreigners. “The recovery of expenses in hotels is an encouraging sign, as tourism is one of the fundamental assets for the economy of our country and confirms how digital payment tools are chosen by an increasing number of merchants and citizens who prefer them for the comfort, safety and the speed they guarantee, “he says Enrico Trovati di Nexi.

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