Home » Ukraine, in Lviv between sirens and nightmare raid. “Live or die, a Russian roulette”

Ukraine, in Lviv between sirens and nightmare raid. “Live or die, a Russian roulette”

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Ukraine, in Lviv between sirens and nightmare raid.  “Live or die, a Russian roulette”

“And this is the shelter where you have to hide when the anti-aircraft sirens go off. Delude yourself it’s safe.” Kosta is a concrete man, ‘realist’, to put it like him. At 5 pm the siren alerted the people of Lviv twice already. “It usually lasts twenty minutes, many stay at home because they understand that Russian roulette is so much”. And when he utters this expression there is no irony in his words. “At the moment they have spared the homes of civilians here but the images of the demolished buildings in Kharkiv and Kiev are terrifying us. This is also part of their propaganda. This war is also played out in this way”. Ukraine-Russia: Zelensky attack foiled. Russian troops in Kherson Meanwhile, images of the successes of the Ukrainian army are repeated over and over from the television set in the living room. Soldiers from Rambo, missiles like a great power, flags flying in the sun of victory. In one word: propaganda. “It is necessary, people need to believe they can do it. In reality, the Russians would just need to press a button to erase us from Earth.” Kosta looks down but only to answer a message on his cell phone, they warn him that supplies for the resistance are on the way. Bags of material that they deliver to him in front of the house and he hides the time necessary to organize the distribution. Knee pads, camouflages, sweatshirts but also technological material such as external batteries, necessary in the trenches (even the domestic one) as much as the chargers for the Kalashnikovs. However, there are those who still prefer the old Ak47, the cold metal and the wooden handle. Like Vassily, 44, a former military man, who quit his job as a naval worker in Poland to return to Ukraine to fight. “We will win, I’m sure. Putin is a piece of shit who thinks he’s crushing us but the Ukrainians are hard to die. We won’t have the same …

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