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Vigevano, Procacci chases away the shadows and prepares the sprint

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Vigevano, Procacci chases away the shadows and prepares the sprint

The play is back at the top: “With Omegna good at withstanding the tension, proof of maturity”

The protagonist

At the beginning of the season he was a player with physical problems just a few games from the playoffs. Alessandro Procacci is one of the strong points of Elachem Vigevano, who on Sunday beat their direct competitor Omegna at home, winning the second place in the standings alone. Procacci, the starting point guard for the Gialloblù played 26 ‘, scoring 11 points, with 60% from the field and 33% from the perimeter. He also won the palm of assist man with 5 decisive passes. From a physical point of view, he therefore appears fully recovered and able to provide a leading performance of his teammates, who are preparing to play the last three championship races and to face the tour de force of the playoffs, where skills will be fundamental. to take advantage of every opportunity together with physical and psychological conditions.

«We were good at keeping calm in the final match against Omegna – says Procacci – We took advantage of the opportunities and fouls granted in our favor. Due to the tension, the match against Omegna has approached a play-off match, in which the final minutes are reached and every opportunity must be exploited. We have been solid, a proof of maturity. We must always carry this awareness forward ».

In the meantime, Vigevano returned to training in view of another fundamental challenge, that of Saturday at 7 pm against Libertas Livorno. The ducals will face a quality team away from home, back from a difficult period. The ducals in these days are training fully and will have nine rotations, thanks also to the inclusion of the newcomer Luigi Cianci, who against Omegna has shown to be able to embellish the long department, also giving the change to the pivot holder Giorgi , and providing a quality and quantity performance under the basket thanks also to the nine rebounds collected by the yellow and blue player. –

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